25 Chapter 25...Option (1/1)
I saw Zen outside but I had no excitement like the old times... I simply went towards him and he turned immediately he was wearing some skinny black jeans and a white turtle neck with a oversize black jacket. I always admired his fashion sense.. He looked towards me with his tender soft eyes filled with compassion towards me and I broke the silence between us ”Why are here Zen? ”.
He then came back from his thoughts and began ” Sorry to disturb you Bella but I wanted to apologize to you about that day I kissed you and I should not have I am... ”.I cutted him by saying ” It's ok I understand... I forgive you”.I do not want to remember that day at all. He then stepped forward and me a step back he sighed and questioned me ”Where were you today? ”.I replied ” Why do you want to know that.... We are not in a relationship anymore.. ”.He repeated the question again.
I saw Bella's profile story I always saw it and it always has her selfie with me but today after I attended a patient and came to look at my phone I saw her and Edward's picture... He kissed her forehead and she kissed his cheeks.. I clenched my fist and immediately threw the nearest flower vase near me and it broke and shattered into pieces... That is why I came to see her because I wanted to know why would she do something like this?
I asked her the question again this time in a aggressive manner i knew she hated this but I wanted to know the answer.. She looked down for a while and then replied ”I.. I was on a date with Edward and Elena... That photo that I uploaded was me and Edward in a photo booth and so what Zen I kissed him on the cheek can't you understand I want to move on and you keep dragging me back... You will easily marry Sophia and then what? What about me... If now even your parents agree about this relationship I refuse to have any relationship with you... You are being aggressive today.. And what about next? ”.I could see tears in the corner of her eyes the frustration that she was suffering from.... She wanted to cry out loud but holding the tears back. But she seemed to be going away from me without wasting any moment I held her hands and started to apologize I did not even know what is happening with me ??why am I behaving like this!! She left my hand and started to run towards her house I did not calm her back because I knew she was already angry. I punched the nearest tree in anger...
”Damn you Edward Han”
I was really frustrated... Angry and I don't know why but emotional. I tried to convince my parents but they ended up telling me that either I marry Sophia or they die... What do I do Bella???....
I can't imagine my future with anyone else In this world except you remember that day.... When we were at the Museum and you said me that you always wanted some kids a little home and I promised you that you would only have me in your life... I am still in the promise Bells you are the one who left it... I want you just you... I want you Bells. I said to myself thinking that she is listening and I cried my eyes out. I went back to my car and drove to a bar and drank as much as I could.