3 Chapter 3..Break up.. (1/2)
My mind was empty I wanted to hug him say that I am sorry a million times and even beg him to just stay with me... But I thought that it was maybe the best chance because I was not good enough for someone like him...
”I am sorry if I hurted you in any point of my life. Every second spend with you was and is precious and yes...I think it's time we end our relationship you deserve someone much better than me Zenny someone who will not only care and love you but show that physically.... Bye Zenny ...but let's be friends.”
I shivered as I turned and immediately ran towards my car and drived towards the area I always went when I was sad and I wanted to bring Zenny here. I just could not see his face because I knew I would breakdown. I cried and cried I felt like I was choking.
I was astonished from what she said maybe I should not have break up with her.... I don't know why I did that.. Oh!!I am such a terrible person to leave her alone during such a critical time.
Bella POV
My special place was a simple wooden bench on the side of the beach where there was no noise just the sound of waves. I went there everytime I was sad the only person who knew about this place was me and my best friend who died when she was 21 she always wanted to become a surgeon. I sat on the bench trembling and cursing myself and finally I calmed down and suddenly I saw my phone ringing my face lit up in hope it was Zen's I don't know why but as I picked my phone it was someone unknown I answered the call..
Hello.. Miss Bella?
I gasped in surprise it was Edward and I became more mad....