11 The next morning (1/1)
The mass release will be from 12 am to 7 pm December 25th that's all I wanted to say before will get into the story. By the way, I'm sick but I love you guys so I'm gonna still upload cause I have been doing and I feel so bad about that. Also would you guys like a Q&A If you would comment yes or no and also comment your questions if you would like to know the answer to them and don't worry the bad guys are gonna come soon promise.
The next morning she was still sore from the activities that happened last night in the bedroom. She was just lucky to have a husband that cared enough about her to ask the school to give her the week off. She could barely walk, Damn her husband really did have great stamina she barely had any. But it was okay since she got out of the bed and took a cold shower to wake herself up when she walked into the walk-in closet she shared with MinMin. She put on some yoga pants and a sports bra then she walked out of the bedroom. By this time she thought that MinMin would be in the office but when she walked out he was peacefully eating his breakfast in the dining room. Then she remembered the things they did last night and the things she said so she just ran past him after she said good morning not even giving him a chance to hello or good morning or even more importantly did she go out in a BRA!
He slowly processed what he just said in his mind when he ran out the door to cover her up but she was already gone. So he resorted to calling her and blowing the fuck out of her phone. Then she finally answered after almost 100 calls. But when she answered the phone he was on his last straw of patience but he still couldn't scream to his beloved wife so he sad in a cold tone ”Where are you, Lea”.
When she heard this she had got chills all over her body then she replied meekly” I just went out for a run around the neighborhood, but I kinda got lost can you help me”. When he heard her response he had calmed down so she didn't run away. But was more worried now she had gone out for a run after the extreme bed activity's they did last night but on top of that, she had gotten herself lost as well.
But then he sighed and said, ”stay there and send me location by pushing the share location app on your phone”. When she heard his instructions she did exactly that and nothing else. Then she hung up the call and no more than ten minutes later did MinMin arrive at where she had been standing since he told her to wait. But she was also nervous because she had run out of the house this morning without letting him say good morning or even hi darling.