6 Might As Well Expose You As Well (1/1)

Obsessive CEO jiemena 12240K 2022-07-22

When the girl heard this she turned red and said in anger: who are you accusing of hoeing around! Lea smiled and said with a smirk you, of course, do you see anyone else that looks like a slut Hmmm.

She was even more pissed now and had raised her hand to slap Lea. But Lea grabbed her arm and almost twisted it she looked at her with demonic eyes and said ever lay a hand on me and I'll kill you. And then she let go of her hand and walked off but first Lea needed to disinfect her hand she had just used because she didn't want to get any diseases.

Then she went into the class she was studying business and it was a difficult subject but she loved the challenge that was given to her. Because she would finish a dare that was given to her. Someone once told her that she would never get into the best university in the world and get her Master's in business but she'll halfway there already.

She doesn't remember who gave her this dare but she was going to make sure once she made this dare possible she was going to make sure that person would know that he had lost. And that he or she shouldn't have underestimated her EVER. Then she got a call of MoMin so she had to walk out of the classroom and answer this call. Then she heard ”LEAAAAA WHO TALKED BAD ABOUT YOU!!” When she heard this she looked at her phone in disbelieving she said: Who told you about that it barely just happened then she remembered that the driver was there too. She let out a long sigh and said don't worry about me Min I can take care of myself okay, I'm not that weak anymore.

MinMin had trust in his wife's words and said: okay you deal with it but if it gets out of hand I'll teach them a lesson understood sweetheart. When she heard what he had called her she turned bright red and said shyly okay Min I trust you as well. Then they both said there goodbyes and hung up she had to rush back into class. Then the teacher asked her to stay after class and she would be assigned a punishment packet for leaving in the middle of class then coming back in. When she heard this she wanted to kill herself this was all because of STUPID CALL but she thought that it was all worth the punishment.

Soon after class ended and she went to the Professor Ting's office when he said that if she did that again that they would evoke her scholarship. And to make up the mistake she had made she would need to write a 5-page report of the statistics of the Min Empire that would be due at the end of saying tomorrow. When she heard this she wanted to scream at this person but she knew that he could kick her out of the university so she kept quiet and said it would be in by then. But she knew that she would have to stay up all night doing this report.

Luckily she didn't have any more classes that day so the driver came to pick her up and take her home. Once she got home she took off her shoes and went into the study and went to look on Min's computer. For a dox to write this report she had to look at all the articles so she could get the information she needed.