129 Arrival of the ghost- Part 2 (1/2)
Heidi knew that no matter how much she knew about his painful past, the weight that he carried all these years it probably wouldn't change. He was the kind of man she had come to know who covered his scars behind that skillful mask he had grown over the passing years which had now been blended into him as his own. Maybe she would never understand the amount of depth it carried but the least she could do was to offer her hand for him to know she was there. And even though no words were spoken or shared, Nicholas gave her a soft smile, like he knew what Heidi wanted to say. Leaning forward, Heidi placed a kiss on his lips. They laid down next to each other, legs entwined while they rested on their sides.
”I will be called to support the men fighting against the witches in Mythweald soon. Will you be alright in my absence?” Nicholas played with the ends of her hair with his fingers.
”I will be alright,” she smiled at his concern, ”There's Stanley here. Lettice too. I will be fine,” Heidi was still finding it hard to call her as Emma and maybe Lettice will always be Lettice to her.
”Is that so,” he murmured.
”Will Timothy and Rhys be joining you to Mythweald?”she inquired to hear him hum in response.
”Timothy yes but I think Rhys will stay here. We do need someone to make sure that everything runs smoothly when I am in the South. There is something I wanted to say to you,” Nicholas ran his finger down her shoulder to her fingers, to only be picked as he brought it in front of his lips to kiss the back of her hand, ”I spoke to Reuben already about the little change we have made to the truce that Warren will be stepping down the position which will be announced once the problem with the witches settles down in the South empire. We can hold a wedding, Heidi,” he stated.
”Right away?” he nodded his head, ”Won't people question about it after listening to the sudden change?” Heidi could barely contain her thoughts on what his relatives would have to talk about him.
”Do you really think I would bother myself with unnecessary people's opinions?” he raised his brows in questions, ”You shouldn't either. People will hear, speak and forget about it after sometime.”
Two days later, Heidi was at the horse shed feeding the lamb with fresh grass she had picked from the forest personally when she heard a pair of footsteps walk towards her. When she turned around there was no one but a servant of the mansion trimming the bushes of the garden. Going back to what she was doing, she continued to feed the lamb when she heard someone speak to her out of nowhere.
”You seem to be very fond of the lamb,” startled she looked around to find there was no one again. Was she hallucinating? No, that couldn't be, she had enough amount of sleep today.
”Who is there?” she asked getting up from the crouched position she had been in.
”Lady Heidi,” a man jumped from a tree, dusting his clothes. Heidi stepped back cautiously while she looked at the man cautiously. His curious grey eyes reflected hers, ”Please don't look frightened. I am Malphus Crook and am here for Lord Nicholas Rune.”
”What are you doing on a tree instead of sitting in the drawing room?” she asked him suspiciously.
”The lord isn't back yet and I prefer to sit outside than in confide spaces. It makes me feel very stuffy,” the man named Malphus answered and when he ran his hand over the front of his shirt did she noticed the dark patch that had been formed.