100 Love: A fools path- Part 3 (1/2)

The following night, Nicholas asked the butler to set dinner at his patio in his room.

Heidi who arrived at the lord's room, stepped inside to see Nicholas waiting for her outside at his patio with his back facing her. When Nicholas had asked her to dress for the night, the first thought that came into her head was that they were visiting or attending a party but surprisingly it was a dinner night with the lord in a more private setting. Like her, he was dressed too. She could feel her heartbeat with every step she took towards him and it stopped beating when he returned her smile with his own. There was no one else in the room but them and the beautiful night accompanying them right now.

Nicholas pulled the chair for her and she took a seat, murmuring a thank you in the process. He took a seat on the other side of the small table. Candles were lit at the centre of the table. Stanley arrived at the room with a bottle of wine in his hand, he looked like he seen a ghost as he served them the wine.

”Shall I bring the first course of the meal, master?” he asked his lord.

”Yes, please,” Nicholas answered. Once the butler dismissed himself from the room, the lord spoke, ”How is your body doing? Does it hurt?” he asked her.

Heidi shook her head, ”It doesn't anymore. I think the warm bath helped my muscles. What about you?” Nicholas chuckled at her innocent question.

”I am not the one who got bitten, darling. I feel wonderful actually, never been this better,” he commented. They both gazed at each other until a crow cawed suddenly at the nearest tree to which Nicholas turned in its direction.

”Did something happen?” she asked, seeing the bird fly away.

”Nothing much,” he smiled brightly, ”I am having a guest tomorrow. Toby was only informing about it.”

”It must be really helpful to have a bird whom you can talk to and get information from,” she noted.

”Indeed it is. Toby is a very intelligent bird who understands and doesn't make any mistakes. Not everyone are aware of it which makes its interesting,” he grinned, ”Would you like a bird as a pet?”

”No no. I don't think I am a bird person,” she laughed taking a sip of wine from the glass.

”Would you like an animal then?” He cocked his head.

”Animal?” she repeated the word.

”Yes, an animal as a pet. You can take care of it here in the mansion,” he suggested, ”It isn't a compulsion, if you don't want it.”

”I will think about it,” she replied softly.


The rest of the meal, Heidi and Nicholas spoke about matters that were trivial and light. None of them touching their past and keeping their books closed. While Heidi had her past which she had tried to lock away, Nicholas had dealt the demons to turn into demon himself.