93 Whom she belongs to- Part 3 (1/2)
Alone in the room, Nicholas got up from his chair and walked towards the fireplace to bend down on his knees. Pushing the wood further in to burn, he let his hand close to the fire, feeling the heat. He let his hand into the fire which didn't affect his skin, turning it around to feel the warmth.
Nicholas doubted that Heidi would try to run away mostly because the woman was in love with him. Nevertheless it wouldn't harm to have someone watch her than let something happen.
He hadn't realized before but Issac, Lettice's past lover was from Woville too. She wasn't the kind to make enemies, unless he didn't know her well and that made him wonder what someone would get by killing her. It didn't look like it was because of her getting married into the truce because his suspicion didn't lie there. Why would anyone persuade Issac to kill her when they had no relation. Retracing back his hand, he got up to go and sit in his chair.
Heidi Curtis. He dragged his hand over his hair, pulling it back for it to only spring back forward on his forehead. The woman was driving him crazy.
One of the mornings when Heidi was having breakfast along with Warren and Nicholas, served by Stanley himself, she felt Nicholas' gazing towards her. He made her aware of his presence, not letting her ignore even if Warren was here. She was worried if Warren would doubt them. She always did, as the lord had his way in stealing looks from her. Sometimes his eyes would turn gentle to intimidating making her lower her eyes. It made her heart thump against her chest and she had to will it to calm down. She knew he could hear it. Only he could because he had an extremely good pair of ears than the rest at the table.
Heidi heard someone call from the table and she looked up to see it was Warren.
”Pardon me,” she apologized to see her fiance.
”Mother picked a dress for you for the grand ball. I will bring it to you tomorrow,” Warren who was talking asked her, ”Is something wrong?”
”Actually I brought a dress the last time I visited Isle valley. Would it be alright if I wore it instead?” she asked him.
”Sure. I don't mind. I will let mother know the same,” he nodded his head understandingly.
”Ms. Curtis, will you be wearing the necklace which Warren gifted you? It did look lovely on you,” Nicholas interrupted their conversation. Heidi gave the man a dirty look before schooling her features when Warren looked from Nicholas to her.
”Ah-yes. It will pair well with the dress I bought,” Heidi smiled looking at Warren, her hand clutching the side of her chair as she lied to him.
The same day, Nicholas was in his study room, standing in front of the large windows to see the rain fall against the glass when he heard the doors to the study open and close.
”I thought you were going to meet father Phinneas at his place,” Nicholas commented without turning back to look at his cousin.