83 Dark society- Part 3 (1/2)
Going to the drawing room, Warren opened the door for her like the gentleman he was brought up to be and waited for her to get in. Closing the door behind him, he took her to sit on the large couch.
”My mother wanted to give you this,” he said leaning to the other side to lift a box and give it to her.
”What is this?” she asked him.
”I don't know. She asked you to wear it for this evening. If the dress is right, you could match it with the pearls,” by the mention of the pearls, Heidi gave him a tight smile not knowing else to do as she didn't have them anymore. The night when the lord had tugged the necklace from her neck, she had forgotten to pick the pearly beads from the ground. In her defence, no one would remember about the pearls after being kissed so passionately.
She opened the box and pulled the material out to feel dread fill up her mind seeing the depth at the back. Warren seemed to have caught her feelings for the dress and spoke,
”If you don't like it, you don't have to wear it.”
”No no. I like the dress. Please convey my thanks when you see her,” she put the dress back in the box and covered it back with the lid.
”I understand that my mother can be difficult and I am glad to see you making an effort in building the relationship with her. I admire you for that,” he stated and she was glad that unlike other men who sided with their mother even though they were wrong, Warren was being mature and thoughtful.
It was hard to believe that someone like Venetia had brought up a son to be a true gentleman. Then there was his cousin who used words to attack her at unexpected moments. She didn't even know why she was always compared them but it wasn't a mystery. Warren was her fiance and Nicholas was...Nicholas was going to be her direct lord once she would marry Warren. The very thought made her heart sink in despair.
He had confessed of wanting her and she tried finding the meaning of it which turned out to be useless. Dwelling in it didn't do her any good but she did it anyways, unable to forget the guilty pleasure which she had tasted.
”Is there something weighing your mind?” he cocked his head to the side.
”Nothing much,” she shook her head. After a while decided to ask, ”Was it magic that turned the lord's hair?”
”It is a mix of the white witches and black witches potion. Something you will find in the black market,” he answered, ”By the way...Duke Wilford is a popular man, even if he is a human he has enough power to influence people and things in Bonelake. There will be many guests but different than the ones you have seen until now,” seeing her raise her brows in questions, he continued, ”You will understand when we arrive at the manor. I would request you to not question anything when we are there,” he waited for her response.
”Okay, I will be quiet,” she didn't know why he was stressing about it as it wasn't the first time for her to attend a soiree. After coming to Bonelake, she had realized how men and women were idle. Idle with their time, not knowing how to spend apart from ridiculing others lower them and behind their back.