71 Under the table- Part 1 (1/2)

”Are you alright?” Lettice asked coming to sit next to Heidi on the bed, ”Are you feeling unwell thinking about the engagement?”

After Heidi had left the piano room, she had come to her room to sleep but she couldn't. Her heart pounding in her chest, she laid on the bed, unable to erase the feeling she felt in the piano room with the lord. She was conflicted, right now.

”I...I can't,” Heidi uttered while Lettice looked at her with a shocked expression.

”What are you talking about?” Lettice whispered worried.

”I don't think I can go ahead with getting engaged to someone whom I don't love,” she met Lettice's alarmed eyes.

”I-Is there someone you love? Why didn't you tell it before?” Heidi would have told if she could but she had recently caught up with her feelings. Seeing there was no answer, Lettice saw the expression of pain and longing pass through her friend's face. In some ways they were very similar, as she had gone through the same circumstance few months ago.

”Did it get better for you?” Heidi asked the young woman to see her smile but the smile didn't reach the eyes initially when it did it contained sadness in them and a part of her wished she hadn't asked her that question.

”It was difficult in the beginning. I was too in love with Issac. I didn't want to marry Rhys either but I did eventually because the man I loved didn't meet my father's expectation or rather Rhys surpassed every expectation which was set. After my father approved to give me to a vampire, I wasn't allowed out of the house and Issac was kept locked in one of the town dungeon. I want to hate Rhys for separating me from my first love, for forcing me into something I didn't want to but I can't. Like I said before, I am happy right now.Rhys is a loving husband and he has stood by my side like a shadow in my difficult times.”

”Does that mean you don't love Issac anymore?” she asked and Lettice shook her head.

”The feelings I had for Issac have become memories which I cherish deep in my heart. Not that I would tell it to Rhys. Vampires are possessive and cold blooded creatures, you need to be careful with them,” Heidi didn't doubt it, especially after seeing Rhys kill the man in such cruel manner. Lettice was a dear friend of hers but she decided to keep that information to herself without wanting to share it as it would only cause problem between Lettice and Mr. Meyers. There was also a fact that Issac had turned to a half vampire and had helped in killing the maid at the mansion. Lettice placed her hand on Heidi's hand which was resting on her lap, ”What did he say?”


”The person you love of course,” Lettice inquired.

”Ah, that...he doesn't know. He isn't aware of my feelings,” she cast her eyes on her hand. Lettice stayed quiet not sure what to say and also because a maid just entered the room to drop the dress which Heidi was supposed to wear. Seeing her leave, Heidi chuckled, ”I shouldn't think too much.”