56 Warmth- Part 3 (2/2)

”Weren't you cold?” he questioned her back.

”That's not what I mean,” she said getting comfortable and feeling his hand press her head so that she could lean over his chest.

”Then what did you mean, darling?” he asked her softly making her heart skip a beat. She knew it wasn't a term of endearment because she had heard him use it before many times. The problem was that it didn't affect her before but it did now. So much that thinking about him created an ache in her chest. She had decided to avoid him for a while so that she could settle down with her new found feelings for him. But their current situation was nowhere helping her. Rather it only added fuel to it.

Pulling back to look at him in the eyes, she said, ”You always tease me. Always doing whatever you please. Not worrying what the other person or people are going to think. Don't you know I am your cousin brother's fiance!” she huffed after letting out her thoughts in one go.

”There there,” he rubbed her back soothingly, ”You shouldn't speak so much in that pace. Did you forget that you are a sick person right now?” he tutted her softly.

Heidi heard him speak, ”I always do what I please. And talking about you being Warren's fiance, I care less if you are his fiance or not. Maybe it is because of the fact that I met you before he did. The woman I met on a cold, rainy night who had a mouth of her own.”

”I don't get you.”

”You don't have to,” he responded back quietly and she lowered her eyes to the blanket she was covered in, ”Is the heat warm enough?” he asked and she hummed in agreement.

”But I don't understand why you are sitting with me,” she gave him a look before ducking her head to rest her head back on his chest.

”Don't mistake me. I am cold tonight because of the rain.”

”You feel warm though,” she muttered.

An hour later when the butler arrived at the lords room with his drink as usual, he opened the door to only widen his eyes at the sight. Wondering if his eyes were playing tricks, he rubbed both his eyes with his free hand but the scene still stayed the same.

”What are you doing, dawdling at the door Stanley,” Lord Nicholas asked his butler feeling his presence.

”Your drink,” the butler handed his master with the glass before standing next to him, ”Would you want me to add more logs, master?” he asked softly.

”Yes, that would be nice. While you're at it, bring me the book from section six that I placed at the shelf in the library,” Nicholas ordered.

”Right away, master,” Stanley bowed his head, leaving the room. As he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, a wide smile made way to his lips.