47 The other side of him- Part 3 (1/2)
On one evening party where all the elites were invited, Heidi had accompanied Warren and a woman whom she didn't know accompanied the Lord there. Rhys Meyers and his wife Lettice being one of the elites had also been invited and were now talking to one of the guests at the mansion. Lettice made her way to where Heidi was and they greeted with friendly smiles, standing and talking with each other. The female vampires weren't that welcoming but it held the same when it came to the elite humans of high stature.
Rhys who stood afar from his wife, saw the smile on his wife's lips grace as she spent her time with Warren's fiance. It was good to see her smile, as it wasn't something she did often. He usually didn't entertain woman with gossips because humans did nothing but that to spend their time which he disliked. After a while, he walked up to his wife, raising his hand for a dance which she took.
Heidi looked at the couples dance in the middle of the hall, and she stood at the sidelines with a glass of grape wine in her hand. She smiled seeing Rhys twirl his wife, which bubbled a laugh from her friend. Looking for Warren, she found him to be talking to a man with a serious expression. It wasn't as if she was hoping for him to ask for a dance because if he did, she wouldn't know how to move her feet to the music. Seeing the Lord she had to give it to him that the man moved liked water. The woman in his arms was gorgeous, good hair, stunning figure on a beautiful dress.
When Heidi was twirling the crystal glass in her hand, she heard an unexpected commotion take place as a woman screamed. Looking up she saw Lord Nicholas who had twisted a man's arm from behind. Her forehead creased wondering what had happened. Had the man misbehaved with the woman the Lord was dancing with? Getting closer to the scene, she caught sight of a knife which now laid on the floor with a black burnt mark.
”What happened?”
”Who is the man? The woman's lover?”
”But it seemed like he tried attacking the lord from nowhere,” various reasons of whispers brewed in the room as time passed, the lord hadn't pulled away from the man and it was only after a few seconds did she realize the man was unconscious. Once the guards took the man away, she saw Lord Nicholas talk to Warren about something to which he nodded before leaving the venue.
”Ladies and gentleman, forgive us for the sudden interruption due to the intruder. Please carry on with the evening,” Lord Nicholas announced with a small bow and left the room. Seeing that both Warren and the Lord had left the area, Heidi made a small bow towards the Meyer's before tailing behind Lord Nicholas. On her way, she noticed blood dripping down from his hand and when she tried pointing it out for help, the man dismissed it.
Going to the carriage, she found that there were two carriages that were prepared to go back to the mansion. Warren helped her get inside the front carriage while Lord Nicholas rode in the other carriage. The atmosphere was tense as they reached back the mansion. Warren assured her everything was alright and to have a good night's rest before he left to where Lord Nicholas had taken the hostage to.
In the underground dungeon where the air smelt like pungent iron, Nicholas hummed a tune, waiting for his guardsmen to chain the man who was struggling to get away. Seeing Warren arrive, his cousin asked,
”Who do you think sent him? He had the ash made dagger which disappeared few years ago.”
”Poor thing couldn't even stab me,” Nicholas glanced towards his hand that was slowly healing itself, ”Shall we start?” he said looking at the man completely chained.
Nicholas walked inside the cell and stood there looking at the man without a word, seconds passed by which then turned to minutes in silence.
”If you are going to kill me, let's get this done with!” The man spoke agitated while pushing through the chains.
”I can't kill you when I don't even know why you attacked me, unless you aren't alright upstairs,” Nicholas spoke to the man in an even calm voice, the soft smile still on his lips. Getting the dagger wasn't easy and with the smell of the man in front of him, he was a turned vampire, a half vampire.