17 Bonelake- Part 1 (2/2)

”But the lady-”

”Please, Sir. I insist you leave the lady in my care .” Heidi saw the coachman's lips set into a firm line, keeping his tone polite as before, ”The orders are very clear and I am to take only the lady from here. I assure you the lady will reach the Lord's mansion safely and no harm would be brought to her,” to end his words, the man then bowed his head, closing the door of the carriage and went to sit in the spot to get the horses ready while leaving the Duke's man standing at the side with a grim expression.

Heidi didn't dare to take a look at the man outside the carriage knowing he already had his eyes fixed on her and she was thankful when the carriage had finally started. On the way, she felt herself sink and now that the guard wasn't around her, she wondered if it was possible to escape. Who knew, this would be the only opportunity she thought to herself but the question was if she would be successful. Luckily for her, before they could reach the Lord's mansion the coachman made a small stop at a town which was on the way to pick a small package from a local man.

”Um, excuse me? I... actually need to,” Heidi said looking at the coachman uncomfortably.

”If you could hold on until we reach the mansion-”

”Please,” she pleaded, eyes strained on him. The man stood there quiet until a sigh left his lips.

”There's a local inn here which has the facility which is right there,” he pointed his finger towards a worn out building, ”Let me take you there,” he said beginning to head there.

”That's alright! I can manage that myself,” she said quickly walking behind and saw him smile.

”This particular town might not suit your taste, milady. Do not worry. For precautionary reasons, I will wait here outside until you are back,” he replied as they reached the inn, ”You'll find the room if you walk straight and then take a right.”

”Thank you,” she murmured and when she stepped inside the inn, she understood what the coachman actually meant.

It looked nothing like an inn! It was more like a local public house where drinks were served to the men. The strong stench of alcohol invaded her nose. Her head down, and not making any eye contact with any customers, she walked straight as the coachman had instructed her. She felt odd walking in the middle of the ragged men with her expensive dress. The place had quietened down as the people in the room watched her make her way. When she reached the end she realized this place had no backdoor and the only entrance and exit was the place she had come from.

Locking herself in the bathroom, she covered her nose because of the smell. She closed her eyes in despair, unable to think what else to do. It seemed like she had stayed there for far too long thinking about her escape when she heard a knock on the other side of the door.

”Ms Curtis, are you alright?”

”Ah, yes,” she replied closing her eyes before she opened the door to see a worried look on the coachman's face, ”I am sorry for making you wait,” she apologized.

”You needn't apologize, miss. It had been twenty minutes since you stepped into this place and I was worried that something might have happened. Shall we go then?” he asked, showing his hand on the way to the exit and she nodded walking back to the carriage.

”How long until we reach the mansion?” she asked him.

”It should take less than half an hour,” he replied standing next to the carriage looking behind her and she turned around to see a mansion far from where they were which looked small.