13 Run away- Part 2 (2/2)

Turning around she found it was none other than Howard their house worker.

”Howard!” she placed a hand on her thundering chest, ”You scared me,” she whispered.

”Where are you going Ms. Heidi?” he asked her with a frown on his face.

”I...” What was she supposed to say? That she was running away from this house and town? But before she could reply anything something seemed to have dawned on his face and he nodded his head to himself.

”So it is time already,” he murmured and then smiled looking at her, ”I hope we see each other again.”

Heidi who was facing the house saw the window curtain in the hall move even though it was dark. She could already feel her heart beginning to thunder in her chest so much that she could hear her eardrums beat loudly making her dizzy with the thought of being caught. Following her gaze, Howard asked her,

”What is it?”

”I-I think someone saw us now,” her voice shivered with cold as she continued to look at the window and finally tore away her eyes to place it back on the man,

”Go then!” he ushered her out of the gate.

”But what about you?” She asked him worried. Whoever was standing behind the curtain had seen them and if she left she didn't know what would happen to the old man.

”I will manage everything here. You needn't worry about me. Go on,” he assured her, ”Stay safe Ms. Heidi.”

”You too, Howard,” Heidi replied before running away from her house.