10 Bonfire- Part 2 (2/2)
Leaning back her head, she closed her eyes tired. She woke up earlier than usual in the morning, getting herself busy with the household work. After her father and brother left home, it was only Nora and her at home alone. Heidi was cleaning the kitchen when Nora came to fetch a glass of water for herself.
”You are lucky aren't you, getting married to a man of a high status,” she turned around to see Nora filling the glass with water, ”Taking things that are meant for me,” she added with a sting-full voice.
”If it wasn't for the direct order given by our Lord, I wouldn't be marrying. I am not marrying by choice here, Nora,” Heidi said with a frown and saw her sister roll her eyes.
”Don't try to behave like a victim here sister. All of us girls and women want to marry men like that, to have a life free of work while living a life of luxury. I doubt that you even uttered more than a line of refusal because deep down you want it.”
”Don't think that I haven't noticed you being around Noah. I heard from one of the girls in town that you crashed against him on purpose to catch his attention, how much can you fall down?”
”How much can your thinking go down? I would never do something like that and you should know that too!”
”I know you well and that's why I speak,” Nora made a sound of annoyance.
Somewhat hurt by her sister's words, Heidi spoke, ”If you weren't so clueless may be father would have chosen you. Stop acting like a spoilt child and start taking an account of your actions. Stop blaming someone because of your incapability,” this made her sister furious.
”If it weren't for my picture which I sat hours in front of the painter getting it painted while looking my best, the Lord wouldn't have thought of gaining our family alliance. He will be in quite some shock seeing you in contrast to me,” Nora smirked at the thought.
It was as clear as day that both the sisters looked nothing like each other, not even close, not because they weren't blood-related buy because Heidi with her almost straight black hair and brown eyes with a pale skin was no match to Nora's beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. Nora was much beautiful and an attractive woman which a man could notice from a far distance. Maybe the only good thing about Heidi's eyes was that in sunlight, her eyes seemed light hazel in colour.
”Daniel didn't tell me everything but I heard that you are going to be a sacrificial sheep in the end if you get caught. Poor you. If that is the case, it is better you than me,” with that Nora stepped out of the kitchen leaving Heidi standing alone with both her hands tightly holding the edge of the slab.
It wasn't that she didn't know that she had turned to a sacrificial sheep like her sister had pointed out. Neither was the Lord of Woville nor the Bonelake Lord aware of the recent switch her uncle had made for the mere purpose of the Duke. She knew her father and her uncle had a strong distaste when it came to the vampires but it seemed like there was a stronger rift with the Bonelake lord as the other vampire Lord was never brought up much in light among her family member.