4 Familiar stranger- Part 1 (2/2)
”Ouch!” she exclaimed rubbing her forehead and at the same time, she heard a man apologize, ”Forgive me for not looking. Are you alright miss...?”
Squinting her eyes, she looked up to see someone holding a shovel upside down. When her vision had returned completely, she realized who it was. It was none other than Noah Arendel, a man of many young girl and women's dreams. Born to one of Shepard's family, he was a man of an average height, his golden brown hair curled at the side of his forehead, lips full and in shape.
Though Heidi had often seen him in the town, either walking in the opposite path or talking to a group of people as he was a popular man she had never got an opportunity to talk to him. He was a gorgeous man and like many women her age, she secretly looked at him when he was in view.
”I hope you aren't hurt,” he said, his pale green eyes peering down at her with a worried look on his face. One of his muscular arms held the shovel and the other around her waist to stop her previously from falling. Realizing that they were standing too close, she cleared her throat and he let her waist go. Her eyes began catching sight of few men and women who passed by them look at them.
”Your forehead-it has spots of blood,” he pointed out and she touched the bump to feel herself flinch, ”I only got the blade chiseled today and is as sharp as ever. The edge must have touched you. Let me get some water for it,” he said to which she shook her head.
”That's alright. I will be fine,” she waved both her hands. She bent down to pick the vegetables that had fallen on the ground from her hand and he followed her cue, helping her pick them up.
”Are you sure? I extremely apologize for it, I should have seen you coming,” a frown adorned his attractive face as he spoke to her while handing the last one to her.
”I am. This is just a scratch,” she smiled to assure him and he then smiled back relieved.
”I don't think we have spoken to each other before. I am Noah Arendel,” he introduced himself and before Heidi could introduce herself he spoke, ”I know who you are. You are Heidi Curtis, aren't you.”
She looked at him with a surprised expression. ”Don't look so surprised,” he chuckled seeing her wide eyes stare at him in question, ”This is a small town. Everyone here knows everyone else. Let me help you with these, it's the least I could. Please,” he offered her help taking one bag of the vegetables.
Heidi looked at him with her lips pressed together in thought. As happy she was to talk to him, she wasn't thrilled at the idea of going to her house with him next to her. One of the reasons being, the people of her town were the kinds that were quick to spread false rumors. And if those rumors reached her family they would be displeased with it. Reluctantly, Heidi nodded her head and Noah helped her with one bag of the vegetables and fruits which she had previously trouble carrying before she bumped into him.