94 M1 - Term: 2, Round: 5 (1/2)
Attendance at Fortescue Military Academy M1 Y:2142
House Thoth, Squad Leader, Squad Zero
M1 Rank: 1/1275, Tier 3 M-Rank: Null
Term: 2, Round: 5
Daedalus Operating Capital: -1,660,000 bitcreds
Music thundered across the topside stadium accompanied by an incredible kaleidoscopic light display. It was probably highly enjoyable for the spectators, but Daedo just wanted the match to begin, even though this was the last activity of the term, his workload had never been greater. There would be no break for him.
The Augmented Reality Arena could be used for more than just military training exercises, or an exo game, however, it was viewed. A talented artist was able to put the same mechanisms used to construct a combat scenario into creating something spectacular, whether it was psychedelic, kaleidoscopic or just simple, clean lines with soft, complementary colours.
The entertainment finally finished, and the announcer was briefing spectators on the main event. Spouting claims that the academy had decided on an all-star match to showcase the brightest talent who would win them promotion this year.
Daedo waited patiently for the countdown, the real purpose of this match was to put both sides under pressure. It was one thing to perform during training, it was another to do it when it mattered. He nodded to Siderus' and his team as they moved to the southern end, while his squad moved to the north.
Gaumont joined Picard and Barran in the Vanguard, resuming his old position to even the numbers out at eight for each squad.
Daedo: Alpha.
Daedo called the first positioning for the three subgroups within the squad, it was unnecessary as it was the default, he just wanted to focus the cadet's minds and calm his own nerves by speaking.
The Vanguard would run point, equipped with shields, swordlances and one-handed railguns. And rather than loading them with a larger variety of armaments, the Vanguard carried three drones each which they would release almost immediately. The control would revert to Daedo, Mace and Axelzero. Freeing up the Vanguard's focus towards the enemy as they were usually the initiators.
The Liberos were the drone controllers, although they carried no personal drones themselves as they were loaded with explosive, smoke and sticky grenades. Otherwise known as goo grenades. Armed with grapplers, railguns and now controlling the small army of drones the liberos actions varied from covert to mayhem.
Vannier had taken Kang under her wing. Although she had trained with the Vanguard and Liberos to get a feel for what each position entailed. The two long-range cadets were tasked with providing cover fire, assisting in ambush operations and general enemy suppression. Railgun was standard equipment, but they were also equipped grapplers to enhance their mobility. They carried backup drones, similar to the recon kamikaze drones that were deployed when the battle commenced.
With Kang hot on her heels, Vannier headed to the largest hill in the southern half of the map. She breathed a sigh of relief as they entered and it wasn't a desert, but farmlands also lacked tall structures compared to urban environments where the grapplers excelled.
She had a comm link isolated with Kang, her role was not only cover fire, but she also had to guide the new cadet who was still coming to grips with everything squad zero, and the Academy threw at her.
**Vannier: we will go prone before we reach the top and shimmy over the ridge.
**Kang: got it.
Kang was smart, tough and determined, but she missed the first term, and more significantly she lacked the years of private tutor preparation that most of the cadets took for granted.
Vannier didn't feel pressured to win this match, Daedo had made it clear that if Siderus' team did not win, it was a massive failure on their part. That didn't mean she wouldn't focus and direct Kang with precise instructions, which was a significant task on top of her normal duties, but she wouldn't stress about the result.
**Vannier: down in three…two…down.
**Kang: what happened to one?
Vannier slid to the top of the ridge before answering.
**Vannier: one is down.
Kang shook her head slightly but did not argue.
She was a good cadet, Vannier surmised that the attitude was part of the tough and determined deal. There was no point in trying to condition the surliness because that could damage two of Kang's strongest personality traits. Vannier was quite happy to put up with the former as a trade-off for the latter. Her tutors had always criticised her for being too forgiving, too easy going, but she viewed it as a strength. She liked to think she was like water, highly adaptable yet unbreakable.
**Vannier: ensure your gyro is on full.
**Kang: I know, removes issues with barrel movement. Ya don't have to repeat everything every match.
It was true, Kang managed to get through five matches following directives closely, her aim wasn't the best, but she was improving. And in situations where they provided cover fire, aim was not as important,and their opponents rarely knew if it was her or Kang that had them in their sights either.
**Daedo: Vanguard hold the barn line wait in cover.
**Daedo: Cover share POV to Myrmidon
”Damn,” Vannier swore. In her mind, damn was a swear word.
Vannier: Kang set your sensors to share with squad. Myrmidon can't see what you're seeing.
She had failed to check that procedure, but it had not impacted the match since most likely Myrmidon picked it up immediately upon interrogating Kang's AI for sensor data. The primary role was cover fire, and when 'fire at will' was granted, they were to take any damage opportunity that presented itself.
Vannier looked around, there was only one other vantage, this would not be a stick and move scenario for the long-range combatants.
Daedo: Cover, FOV (meaning provide cover and supply squad with a good Field Of View from height).
Vannier scanned her field of view, it was not surprising, if things went well they wouldn't move from this position.
**Vannier: dig in.
**Kang: ok
Small spades extended from the underarms of her exo past her hands and she began to dig a flat surface behind the peak of the ridge, while Vannier kept watch. As soon as Kang was finished with the first entrenchment, Vannier changed position taking it, while Kang dug a second for herself.
Kang had barely finished the second when Vannier spotted the enemy Vanguard. A red dot immediately appeared on her HUD.
Vannier took aim and fired within a second of spotting the Shu cadet. There was no time for him to hear the round before it could strike him, but he must have been warned or was attempting to confirm their position because as soon as he showed himself, he ducked back into cover. She barely missed.
**Vannier: down.
And after a moment's contemplation.
**Vannier: stay here I will take the secondary position. Swap trenches at random times.
Vannier had full autonomy when it came to disposition. Daedo would have general guidelines for the cadets to follow in their specific role, but it was up to them how to implement the orders. The implementation was drilled and analysed, it gave the squad fluidity and creativity well above what would be achieved if Daedo controlled their positions like a game.