81 M1 - Term: 2, Round: 3 (1/2)
Attendance at Fortescue Military Academy M1 Y:2142
House Thoth, Squad Leader, Squad Zero
M1 Rank: 1/1275, Tier 3 M-Rank: Null
Daedalus Operating Capital: 140,000 bitcreds
Stanley was impressed, but not entirely surprised by the cadet's performance. Few ever made it to the evac zone. But, in his opinion, the soldier's underestimation of their foe was the main reason Daedo and Picard were successful. The cadets enabled him to teach a valuable lesson which he would ram home after they left the base.
The seven cadets from M1 Thoth squad zero stood before him, with specialist Picard and ten First Class Soldiers were also in attendance. The First Class Soldiers were squad leaders during the exercise.
They gathered at the fictional evac zone after the exercise for a debriefing. He wanted to address the cadets now while the soldier's evaluation would come later.
”Well done cadets, you continue to surprise with your exceptional tactics,” Stanley stated. He was well aware that his soldiers would not have fallen for the scout drone ploy if they were up against their own. They played into Daedo's hands perfectly. The wily squad leader even controlled the scout drone in a fashion to enhance his chance of success. He flew it erratically as if it was controlled by a panicked cadet squad leader.
”I want to thank you for teaching us a valuable lesson today,” Colonel Martin continued with a stern look towards the FCs who took part in the exercise.
”I would like to ask you what you got out of today?” Colonel Martin said.
”We are only as strong as our weakest link,” Vannier replied, and she looked at Kang. ”We must all do our best to help Kang catch up to us.” Despite the words being true and delivered without judgment Kang stared back at Vannier with intensity. The words hurt her pride and made her even more determined to show up these spoiled brats.
”We need to work on our teamwork,” Axelzero said. ”Daedo and Picard took down the demon wolf-soldier,” she said nodding at Picard's Father, ”By working together, they were more than twice as strong than fighting individually.”
Colonel Martin nodded at the Axelzero's words. ”Very good cadet.”
”Shoot the demon wolf-soldier first,” Barran said smiling also nodding at Specialist Picard. At the time the trio did not know there was a difference, but they had thirty minutes to review the ambush before Daedo and Picard arrived at the safe zone.
Colonel Martin looked to Mace who had yet to speak. ”Before entering a battle find out as much as you can regarding the enemy and the environment,” Mace stated. Although Colonel Martin offered to answer questions, no one asked about the nature of their clawed opponents. Were they like an animal, were they sentient, did they have the ability to communicate across distances. Everything from sensor capability to speed and stamina. The cadets were limited to the information offered and assumed.
Kang said, ”If I had this mission again I would fly over the village. Send down a recon drone, and if no one was there, leave without gettin off the fuckin carrier.”
Colonel Martin laughed, and specialist Picard chuckled. His soldiers looked on mystified, indicating this was a rare occurrence and out of character for a debriefing.
”The regs were unaware half the squad aren't rich kids Sir,” Specialist Picard stated quietly looking at the First Class Soldiers. Kang spoke like a reg, unlike the rest of the squad, even when including her exotic accent. And it should have been obvious whose Cadet Picard's parents were.
The FCs weren't regs they were the equivalent to squad leaders. Regs was short for the regular exo soldiers, whose designation was simply Soldier.
Colonel Martin did not look happy. ”Whether they come from a rich family or not, does not matter. We all bleed the same.” He said harshly before stopping himself saying more as he obviously wanted to. Specialist Picard had opened a can of worms. He looked to the next cadet, Picard, wanting to change the subject.
”We cannot let up on our training Sir, on all fronts. It served us well today. Tactical, AI nurturing, gunnery, fitness and melee combat,” Picard said with determination.
He nodded, ”You have done well Cadet Picard. I can see from your teamwork how your AI integration assisted your encounter with Specialist Picard. You are right that it is not just Physical Training, Combat and Gunnery skills are of prime importance.”
Last of all Colonel Martin looked to Daedo and waited expectantly.
”We have a lot of work to do Sir. I lost five of my family today,” Daedo said with a fierceness that not only surprised the Colonel but Specialist Picard and all the soldiers present.
The room was silent as the Colonel turned to his men. He stared at them in silence.
One by one they hung their heads.
It was not about the shame in losing, nor was it about underestimation of their opponents. It was in regards to what the Specialist said earlier.
The regs wanted to hurt the cadets, and were looking forward to it with relish. These cadets had demonstrated that at thirteen they were warriors. Real warriors, and not the spoiled brats, who pulled the strings of power to get an on-base exercise, the soldiers assumed them to be.
There were other issues weighing on Daedo, and some of his squad could sense it now the exercise was over.
Kang leaned close to Picard, whom she had formed a bond with, and whispered, ”I thought this family shit was just a line. Does he actually think that?”
Picard had a tear in her eye which she wiped away. When it was just her and Daedo she had felt like this exercise was real and they were literally running for their lives. And she had never beaten her Father; Today, with Daedo, they had won. She didn't have to answer Kang who at the sight of Picard whispered to herself. ”Shit.”
The Colonel wrapped up the debriefing and tour with a couple of hours of basic mech control. They had eight mechs in the evac zone. One of which was his plus seven loaners for the cadets. The range was the perfect place to go for a run in a mech with its wide open spaces.
”What's on your mind? I can tell something is bugging you.” Vannier asked Daedo on the trip back to their workshop. The carrier was bumping and jostling as they sat strapped into the rear cabin.
Daedo looked up and down the squad line. There was no way he could tell them about the weekly technology dump he took from Master Nader's mystery box.
Each week he delivered a minor breakthrough to Cisse. He was keeping the major ones in the box, for now. It wasn't the feeling of stolen technology which was the main issue. It was the unknown origin.
He could only think of two possibilities; either Master Nader was an alien or an agent of aliens, or she was from the future and had time travelled back somehow.
Nothing else could explain the depth, detail and spread of breakthroughs. Surely if she hacked DaVinci or Svarski for this technology, there would be signs of its use. Which there certainly was not. There were no mundane explanations that held up to scrutiny.
”The same dilemma, but every time we visit a place of significance there is another twist,” he said sadly.
”What? What happened today? What did you see?” Axelzero asked concerned.
”Myrmidon did some searching and sorting, and we worked out that the size of the EUDF is tiny compared to overall tax revenue. It's only point three percent compared to the private military tax breaks which are a hundred times that number,” Daedo said.
”The tax breaks aren't directly related to the cost,” Barran said. ”There is a schedule based on operational mechs, exos, pilots and soldiers. And the EUDF has an air force as well doesn't it?”
”Even if the costs and tax incentives aren't identical there is still a massive gap. And the tax incentive will be indicative of the size of the Private Military,” Axelzero said.
”But if most of the Private Military leave. It leaves Europe and Africa woefully under-defended,” Daedo stated.
”Why do we even care?” Kang asked.
Picard put a hand on her shoulder and said kindly, ”You've only just joined, and a lot has happened. I'll show you some recordings from last term and the break.” Kang shrugged off her hand as if it made her uncomfortable, but she nodded.
”You're in squad zero now Kang,” Barran said seriously. ”We care!”
It was almost believable. Barran signed up to all of Daedo's theories without much critical independent thought. He had decided that he was along for the ride and was enjoying it thus far.
The squad was quiet for a time before Mace announced, ”Some companies that own large Private Militaries might not have space on the spiral.”
Daedo looked at her recognising the important factor, ”You're right! I never thought of that. Axelzero, can you run the numbers on Private Militaries; ones with spiral shares and ones without and the size of their tax incentives? This will give us a breakdown of who is theoretically staying and who is theoretically going. And the number of relative military assets from each group.”
”See. Talking about it was a good thing,” Vannier said to Daedo kindly. ”We are better when we put our heads together.”
”You don't have to take everything on yourself,” Mace stated firmly. She was slightly frustrated that Daedo would if not pushed.
Daedo wished that were true when it came to the mystery box. He was sworn to secrecy, and if he wanted to continue to take from it, it was a secret he had to keep. He wasn't sure which was the bigger problem. An Alien invasion, in which the planet was unprepared and abandoned by the major corporations, or Master Nader and her mystery box of technology.
”Is there something else?” Mace asked quietly.
He shook his head without looking at her.
She made a sound indicating she did not believe him.