76 M1 - Term: 2, Round: 2 (1/2)
Attendance at Fortescue Military Academy M1 Y:2142
House Thoth, Squad Leader, Squad Zero
M1 Rank: 1/1275, Tier 3 M-Rank: Null
Term: 2, Round: 2
Daedalus Operating Capital: 140,000 bitcreds
As round two progressed, it became apparent that the increased difficulty of the obstacle course and Gauntlet was not an anomaly. The cadets focused on their academics, training and research. The main goal of the early weeks was to get ahead on their academic subjects as this would lighten their load in the last weeks when they could focus on their equipment and the upcoming tournament.
Daedo sat with Kang in a VR room working on her AI nurturing. She had the distinct disadvantage of a two week old AI. Although she did have the advantage of the Daedalus AI foundation and the experience from the rest of the squad to draw on.
”One of the priorities is AI to AI communication,” Daedo began the tute. ”When we are in an Arena match its vital that Myrmidon can place markers and other instructions on your HUD and he does this by talking to your AI.”
”Because he is not allowed direct access to my HUD?” Kang asked.
”It's to do with protocols, and it's faster when a cadet has different equipment or HUD. Your AI will design you HUD to your preferences and needs. Text size, placement, colour, length of display, flashing etc.,” Daedo said.
”This goes back to the whole purpose of you nurturing your AI. Do you recall the intro tute?” Daedo asked.
”My AI learns from me which attunes it to the way I think,” Kang recited.
”That's the overall result, yes. No two AI will be the same because no two people are the same. The way it communicates with you and your needs are unique. Your AI will become adept at metallurgy, with knowledge and experience because that is what you spend your time working on. With one attachment on your suit, it could weigh materials and work out the alloy compound just by you picking them up and performing a micro-surface analysis,” Daedo explained.
”Really, hmm,” Kang said thoughtfully.
”Okay, instruct your AI to come out and talk to Daedalus in this room,” Daedo said.
Kang's AI, Darc, popped into existence in the VR room. She looked like a small female armoured warrior from the middle ages. Myrmidon floated nearby, he looked like an ancient Greek warrior.
Myrmidon bowed and held out his hand. Darc hesitated, but after instruction from Kang, she took it.
”Okay good, Myrmidon will give Darc certain instructions, but it will be only on networking and communication protocols, it's up to you and Darc to learn how to manage your HUD,” Daedo said.
Daedo had learned with trial and error with the other cadets that it was not wise to have Myrmidon teach another AI a personal interaction skill. Myrmidon was able to sync with Daedo, the methods they had established did not work for others. Everything Myrmidon had taught Genie, Vanniers AI, was useless and had to be overwritten.
”What process are you going to use to teach Darc to manage your HUD?” Daedo asked Kang.
”Hmm, I guess,” she paused while thinking. ”It's fairly simple, have her read the manual, then imagine one simple change and ask her to do it. Either practice that until we got it right or start a new task and move onto something more complex with successful each task.”
”Great,” Daedo said, ”You have the basics down.”
”Next, Myrmidon will teach Darc about search and sort methods. This is external to your comms so it won't interfere. It's a powerful skill which will help your research efforts,” Daedo said.
”That's a good idea, I need a few shortcuts to catch up. Anything else we can cheat with?” Kang asked.
”It's not cheating to use any available assets to achieve a goal,” Daedo stated.
”In your world, if you were a kick-ass hacker and edited your rankings, that would be ok, because you used any available assets to achieve your goal,” Kang laughed at Daedo.
Daedo thought about the analogy and smiled. ”My goal isn't rankings. But if that was the end goal, I approve of the means.” He said the last with a nod.
Kang was unhappy she was unable to ruffle Daedo or pull apart his logic.
”What is your end goal?” She asked finally. Myrmidon was busy teaching Darc, he didn't overwhelm her, but delivered the instructions in bite sized packets.
”Have the technology and power to protect the planet against unknown invaders,” Daedo stated simply.
Kang sat amazed and open-mouthed for a moment. Then she laughed while rocking back in her VR chair before finally subsiding and wiping a pretend tear from her eye. ”Good one, you had me for a second.”
”Next I will send you some algebra and logic tests for Darc, these will improve her problem-solving skills. In this case, I will send you the tests to run with Darc. It's important that you assist her if she needs help. You should be doing this at every available opportunity, with all tasks you are completing,” Daedo said in a relaxed yet methodical manner.
”Wait,” Kang said abruptly ignoring the instruction. ”Are you joking?”
”Cadet Kang, these tasks are important and my time is limited. Right now you are wasting my time,” Daedo said.
”Are you angry with me?” Kang asked.
”Kang I rarely get angry. I certainly wouldn't be upset by anything you said,” Daedo replied.
”You are upset!” Kang accused. ”You're all tense and formal. I am getting the hang of reading you. So..” she began to think out loud. ”What you said you think is true, and you are upset that I laughed about it. But you wouldn't be upset if an idiot laughed about your views so you must..” Kang stopped and laughed. ”You care what I think!” She accused Daedo.
Daedo stood. ”That was your last warning. I have a lot of work to do. You have the tutes, and I expect them done by tomorrow. That's an order cadet,” Daedo said tersely.
”Are you allowed to order me?” Kang asked.
”If you are uncertain go and ask Master Nader,” Daedo said softly.
”Oh, that's a trap. I can smell it a mile off,” Kang replied. ”I'll check the induction and Academy manual.”
”It's good to see you've learned something,” Daedo said, and with a wave, he vanished.
Kang sat there in contemplation for a moment, she was happy that she finally ruffled Daedo and basked in her victory. But after a short amount of time, she realised what he said concerned her. Both the detail and that he actually cared what she thought.
The squad had a meeting after arena practice each night to discuss drills, performance and tactics. It usually lasted fifteen minutes unless there was an in-depth discussion to be had when it would last the allotted forty-five minutes.
”Next we move to the Vanguard drills,” Vannier stated.
”Picard,” Daedo said, ”The metrics of your movements are superb, and your teamwork with Barran is improving. Are you satisfied with the change to the Vanguard?”
Picard nodded slowly, ”I understand it is the best position for me given my skills.” She did not mention she could not imagine Kang as Vanguard. Picard was the obvious choice to replace Gaumont.
”Best position for you given your skills?” Barran said incredulously. ”You are a monster!”
Vannier smiled patiently, ”That is a compliment I believe Picard.” She received a few chuckles from the squad.
”Barran has a point,” Axelzero said, ”It plays to your strengths.”
”Barran,” Daedo said changing the subject. Vannier had planned the positive reinforcement for Picard to embed her mentally in the new position. ”Picard has raised the bar in terms of reflex, movement, melee attack speed and coordination. You are now slightly below average in those three areas.” Daedo pulled up the results that Myrmidon had calculated on a screen. It was an entry-level version of the results of Nader's AI Zeus calculated.
”How am I below average when there are only two of us?” Barran asked.
”The Monster is beating you,” Vannier said enthusiastically.
”Oh. It's on. It's on.” Barran declared with the second iteration filled with more determination.
Vannier nodded smiling, and Daedo could see what she was thinking. It was all her plan after all. Barran was extremely competitive, where criticising his performance did little, giving him someone to beat was the best motivation in the world. Daedo and Myrmidon could easily tweak results, so it appeared he was slightly behind in an area to keep him motivated. And Picard was an excellent athlete and martial combat expert, tweaking may not be necessary.