56 M1 - Term: 1, Round: 5 End (1/2)
Attendance at Fortescue Military Academy M1 Y:2142
House Thoth, Squad Leader, Squad Zero
M1 Rank: 1/1275, Tier 3 M-Rank: Null
Term: 1, Round: 5 (End)
The cadets stood in the auditorium where they began the term when they were assigned houses. The bodysuit colours inline with the House banner as the Commander droned on about duty, diligence and other crap about Fortescue.
Thoth squad zero were at the front, with squad one behind and so forth. They had won the M1 tournament which then reflected onto their grades and subsequent rankings.
Due to Fortescue squad zero not competing in the M1 tournament their rankings had taken a beating. The Chiefs for piloting and gunnery always maintained that the end of term tournament performance would have a significant impact on their grade. The other main input was the Gauntlet.
Rank T1 R5, Cadet, House
1, Daedo, Thoth
2, Mace, Thoth
3, Vannier, Thoth
4, Delcroix , Amun-Ra
5, Gallois, Osiris
6, Almeras, Osiris
7, Lazard, Shu
8, Fortescue, Horus
9, Picard, Thoth
10, Barran, Thoth
11, Moreau, Horus
14, Axelzero, Thoth
19, Gaumont, Thoth
The second-ranked Horus was from squad two, Moreau. This placing gave squad zero more delight than Daedo's rank one. Aside from the overall satisfaction that the entire squad was in the top twenty ranks and their own personal achievement. These ranks were calculated by performance across all ten subjects, from Physical to Physics, it was an indication of their overall strength.
Daedo's weakest subject was still physical, and it was the in this area he had worked the hardest and improved the most. His time in the obstacle course was now in the top one-hundred and fifty out of the almost thirteen hundred cadets in M1.
As the Commander spoke with his monotone delivery, Daedo wished they had donned helmets so he could communicate with his squad. It was Friday the last day of term and the last item on the agenda. It came after all the finals from M2 to U3, which were enjoyable until the cadets from M1 had to suffer through the speech from the Middle Academy commander.
Year levels M3 and M2 and already left the Academy. It probably had something to do with pecking order where the lowest year level had to wait for the longest before being dismissed for the term.
Finally, the Commander finished, and the cadets relaxed before the exodus began. Literally, hundreds of cadets congratulated his squad as they passed with a relatively small number making snide remarks about the M3 Shu match forfeits.
”I'll be glad to be out of here. Today just took forever,” Gaumont stated as they made their way back to their quarters for the last time.
”It was good to see the mechs in action though, I can't wait to get in one,” Axelzero mentioned.
”Are we going to get a headstart on them Daedo?” Barran asked. ”There was a massive difference between the U1 mechs and the U3 models. The U3s were so much faster.”
Daedo nodded, ”I am going to spend the entire break at the workshop. Other than our Munich trip. We may even put some work into Old Dawg.”
”Awesome! I'll come visit for sure,” Barran replied.
”Who else is going to the workshop over the break?” Vannier asked.
Most of the cadets had to spend time with their families, and it was difficult enough getting time off for the Munich trip. If it was up to Vannier, she probably would have stayed at the workshop the entire break as well.
”I will be there as well,” Mace said shyly, ”my parents will fly through Munich while we are there.”
Picard announced, ”Once we get back from Munich I am coming to the workshop until term two.”
”I'm still working on it,” Axelzero said sadly.
Vannier nodded, ”same here.”
Gaumont remained quiet. He wasn't sure if he was invited to Munich or not.
All the important equipment was being packed into hoverbins. They wouldn't leave anything vital in their quarters. It would go with Mace and Daedo to the workshop, and the rest of the squad were being picked up by parents.
Daedo still wore his bodysuit, he didn't bring any other clothes. Mace stayed in hers for solidarity. Barran, Vannier, and Axelzero got changed into their regular everyday clothes which were increasing levels of garish, ending with Barran at the top.
”It's great to get out of black and white,” Barran preened in his red and yellow tight fitting faux leather.
Vannier got changed into a yellow jacket over a white bodysuit and while Axelzero wore a different style purple bodysuit.
”I like not having to worry about what to wear,” Daedo volunteered to which the squad laughed.
”That's so you Daedo,” Vannier observed cheerfully.
”Need all your brain power for the physics, ay,” Barran teased imitating the Physics Chief's voice.
Axelzero announced solemnly, ”my parents are here.”She proceeded to give everyone a hug before scooting off into the hall. One by one the squad left in the same fashion.
Gaumont had a small tear in his eye, ”I guess this is really goodbye for me.”
Daedo shook his head, ”no, we will still work together. If you need anything to be sure to ask.”
”Ah great,” Gaumont said sheepishly, ”can I get eight exos?” And then laughed nervously.
Vannier looked to Daedo, unsure what to say.
Daedo nodded, ”sure. But you will have to pay us back with something fantastic.”
Gaumont was dumbfounded, he did not expect that response, ”like what?”
”Why don't you work on a weapon or an energy shield. The ion shield is only good for PPC blasts,” Daedo suggested.
Gaumont nodded, ”we will.” He shook Daedo's hand firmly before Vannier roped him in for a final hug.
”I guess that's me,” Vannier said leaving Daedo alone with Mace. ”Don't get into trouble you two.”
”Like a physics brawl?” Daedo enquired.
Mace declared, ”we won't,” before hugging Vannier.
Vannier gave Daedo a long hug and whispered, ”you changed my life Etana Daedo. I am so happy we met.”
”I'll be seeing you next week right?” Daedo asked sedately after the sudden outpouring of emotion.
Vannier nodded and left with a tear in her eye as well.
”I guess its just us, all this gear and a rented hovervan,” Mace said smiling.
Daedo nodded, ”let's get moving, we have a lot of work to do.”
”Are you sure your parents are ok that you are staying with us?” Ikaros asked Mace for the third time.
”Yes!” she answered with a small show of exasperation.
”Dad, voice them, you have their contact details,” Daedo added. ”And I have no idea why it would be a problem now, we've spent every weekend here for the last nine weeks.”
”It's just,” Ikaros stuttered, ”there's only two of you now, and it's out of term. I know I would be upset if you didn't come home Daedo.”
”There's no one at her home Dad. They are travelling on business. If anything she has more supervision here,” Daedo argued.
Ikaros held up his hands in defeat, ”ok, ok. What's for dinner?”
”If you don't have anything planned I was just going to follow Picard's meal plan and drone in some meals,” Daedo replied.
”Sounds good, I don't mind her food,” Ikaros stated. He classed it as Picard's food because she designed the made to order meals which were droned in from a local bot-kitchen to their warehouse.
”Better make that four,” Cisse announced as she walked into the workshop. Cisse had finally taken the plunge and was sporting a new set of cybernetic legs. It appeared as if she wore thigh high black boots, but they all knew what must have been underneath.
”Woah,” Ikaros was surprised. He immediately approached Cisse to admire the workmanship.
”Dad. Cisse is a woman, and they are her legs!” Daedo announced trying to point out the impropriety of his Father's behaviour in order to effect its change.
”They look great,” Mace complimented.
”They work great too,” Cisse said. ”It only took a few days for me to get used to them. Cisse had her own cybernetic implant with an AI assistant, a civilian gen three model, unlike the cadets restricted military model. ”My implant helped a lot.”
”So what do we have planned for the holidays?” Ikaros asked.
”Holidays?” Daedo asked smirking.
”Your term is finished, and you are on a break. In my books that is holidays,” Ikaros replied.
”Oh, it's only a break for the Academy. Daedalus isn't on holidays,” Daedo said firmly.
Ikaros whined.
”The bots do most of the work, stop complaining Dad,” Daedo stated.
”We have heaps to do,” Mace and Cisse said at the same time.
Ikaros looked from one to the other and shook his head.
”I need to finish building the containment field for the reactor and centrifuges on sub-level three,” Cisse stated.
”No more rocks coming out I hope,” Ikaros asked with concern.
Cisse replied with a shake of her head, ”all done.”
Cisse had taken every spare robot hour that Ikaros could provide her to construct the second sub level. It involved tonnes of rubble removal, drainage and reinforcement before they even started converting it into a lab.
”What's going on?” Mace asked.
”We've been keeping it under wraps,” Cisse said embarrassed. Daedo had mentioned that Mace could find out when the term was over.
”Cisse is building a test lab for a new reactor concept,” Daedo said.
Mace nearly said shit but covered her mouth quickly.
”Exactly my thoughts,” Ikaros said smiling.
The thought of an accident and explosion brought solemn silence to the upbeat gathering.
”We know the risks,” Cisse said comfortingly, ”and we are taking every precaution.”