19 M1 - Term: 1, Round: 1 (1/2)

Attendance at Fortescue Military Academy M1 Y:2142

House Thoth, Squad Zero

M1 Rank: ?/1275, Tier 3 M-Rank: Null

Term: 1, Round: 1


Each morning the squad had the obstacle course booked at 0600. Strictly speaking, there were no other official squad scheduled activities until the Gauntlet at 1800. Daedo followed the 0600 obstacle course with PT at 0645. Or as close to 0645 as he could achieve. A few other squad members did the same.

Picard and Barran both loved PT. They would do too much at the expense of other subjects, that they needed to improve, if they didn't keep themselves in check. Barran would argue he needed it for stress relief, which was a good argument in his case. Academic subjects did wear on him.

Mace was quiet but she had begun to open up to Daedo, especially if they were not surrounded by the other squad members.

”I didn't think you would like Physical Training so much?” Mace asked.

”I don't,” Daedo answered.

The pair had left the gym, finished their morning meal and were at the Gunnery range. Daedo's morning was the same all week up until 0900. At 0730 he ate and at 0815 he attended the Gunnery range to either research weapons or use it was it was for; improving his marksmanship.

”You are up to three sessions a day if you include the obstacle course,” Mace said. She had noticed his schedule. She was usually at the gym with him in the morning and had seen him there yesterday afternoon.

”I am working hardest on my weakest area. I am going to spend less time on Math and Physics and more time on PT,” he replied.

”Commendable and smart,” Mace complimented, ”and what about tech and the modifications?”

”To be honest that is going to take most of my time. I think we will learn more by doing. I will have to do Math, Physics and even AI nurturing to improve our exo.” Daedo said.

”It sounds more like advanced engineering than M1 physics to me,” Mace replied.

”Yeah, but we all need to do a Tech and Physcis project. So we should work on something that will improve our exo and our Arena performance,” he responded.

Mace looked thoughtful.

They were both testing weapons from variations of assault rifles to railguns.

”I like the railgun,” Daedo announced suddenly between loadout changes.

”Hmm, why is that?” Mace asked. She had her own opinions but wanted to see what Daedo thought.

”It has so much potential. Low energy consumption and the velocity of the round will result in much better damage for a mech or an exo. The accuracy could be superb if the magnetic field was more precise. And you could load virtually any metal into it. You could shoot anything. Almost,” he qualified.

”I see,” Mace replied thoughtfully.

Axelzero appeared out of nowhere when their gunnery session was coming to an end. Daedo wasn't sure if she had bugged him or had just tracked him down. She hadn't messaged him to find out his whereabouts.

”Come to the cafeteria with me, everyone is waiting. We just got word that everything has been finalised and we can take possession tonight.”

Axelzero led the pair back to the M1 cafeteria in a rush.

”This is exciting!” Axelzero exclaimed, ”tomorrow, we go and claim our very own workshop, warehouse, whatever it is.”

”Shh,” Barran said waving a hand downwards, ”keep it down. We don't want anyone knowing what we are doing.”

”Why?” Axelzero asked slightly perturbed that her exuberance was being squashed.

”Because that is how it's done. You never let your enemy or competitor know what you are up to,” Barran explained. Although it was a vague explanation lacking any real specifics, it sounded like he was parroting his parents.

”It cannot hurt to hide what we are doing, but I do worry about how we are going to transport the light suits back and forth,” Vannier said.

”We should get a carrier vehicle,” Barran said excitedly, ”a VTOL and capable of MACH-4 in the lower atmosphere.”

”Um, I don't think that is necessary for just up the road. We could probably just rent one as needed or speak to Master Nader. Surely the Academy uses something for offsite exercises and competitions,” Vannier suggested.

”I have my bike, how are the rest of you getting there? Are you going to run?” Barran asked, changing the topic slightly.

”How do you have a bike?” Axelzero asked.

”I have an EU restricted license for robot-assisted vehicles. Which means as long as my bike has a robot backup I can ride it through unrestricted roads and engage the robot on restricted,” Barran answered.

”There is no age limit?” Axelzero asked.

”No, they just cost like fifty bitcreds,” Barran answered.

”You know we can just order a couple of hovervans. One with lifter-arm capacity would be sufficient to carry five light exos,” Daedo said. He would have said they could just wear the light exos and run there in them, but that was against the rules.

”Ugh, public transport?” Barran disparaged, ”I have never gotten in one of those hovervans. Rent an ATV carrier at least. Please.”

A member of Shu squad one stood by the Thoth squad zero table, and the conversation stopped.

Soon after three more Shu-squad-one members stood behind him. ”I have been wondering,” he announced suddenly without invitation,”why Shu squad zero practices with you when you are so shit?”

Vannier: Daedo can you please let him know, in your usual way, why he is wrong.

Daedo: (sigh), ok.

”The time you spend wondering is probably better directed to learning strategy,” Daedo answered succinctly and proceeded to ignore the members of Shu putting on his helmet and bringing up transport rental and purchase information. His squad followed his lead, donning helmets.

The Shu members hung around for a minute, and it seemed they could not think up any other insults. The Thoth squad zero members were ignoring them while looking up rental vehicles, the Shu squaddies soon got bored, turned on their heels, and left.

Daedo: Barran can you drive a robot-assisted transporter as well?

Barran: anything with full robot control in the EU. If you get a vehicle like that you don't even need me.

Daedo: true. I was just curious. I am looking at the Marais four four-m mech transporter. It would be able to handle over eight heavy exos. It is massive, but we can leave it at the workshop, just call it when we need it.

Barran: I like Marais, let me have a look…

Barran: damn these aren't cheap.

Vannier: coming from you that must mean it is super expensive.

Axelzero: why don't we just rent one two times a week until Daedalus can afford to purchase its own transporter.

Vannier: that's a good idea.

Barran: fine but I am taking my bike.

Axelzero: what would you be doing anyway?

Barran: ah…learning? Watching the magic?

Mace: lol.

Picard: the Shu guys just stormed off after you insulted and then ignored them.

Axelzero: it was a beautiful thing to watch. I think CyberMech also schooled you in smack talk.

Daedo: I never talked to anyone in CyberMech. And I was just telling the truth.

Mace: lol.

Barran: is Mace hacked?

Mace: no. I just find you and Daedo funny. For different reasons.

Barran: now everyone is practising sledging. I warn you Mace, I am a master sledger.

Mace: a Master would not need to announce that they are a Master. It would be evident.