103 Chapter 103 (1/2)
Riku is walking alone on the way to school.
At school
She go to her locker and open it to get her shoe but it has many trashes.
”What a poor girl.” Her classmate said
Her others classmate is laughing
Riku leave her shoe and enter the school without shoe. While she is walking her classmate bump her and she fall down. Her classmate laugh at her and her others classmate is ignoring her. She go to her desk and she saw so many words.
”Get lost.”
”Don't go to school!”
”You trash!”
Her classmates are laughing. She just ignores it and she sat.
After school
Riku is in cleaning duty. She is carrying books and her classmate bumps her. She stood up and gets the books and ignores them.
”Ignoring us?” Her classmate said
”Hey!” Her other classmate said
Riku look at them
”What's that face. Huh?” Her classmate said
She ignore the and she left.
At home
”Riku there's something wrong?” Ayaka said
”Nothing.” Riku said
”Riku go to her room. While she is sleeping Ayaka go to her room and look her things. She saw her book it's ripped and many words on it after that she go down and talk to Hideo.
”Honey.” Ayaka said
”What is it?” Hideo said
”It's looks like Riku is being bullied.” Ayaka said
”What?” Hideo said
”I saw her books are ripped and many words like the word die and others.” Ayaka said
”Let's transfer her to other school.” Hideo said