87 Chapter 87 (1/2)

Everyone is busy at preparing for Rei's birthday.

After a few hour

They are done preparing. Yuki and others has already arranged themselves.

”It's looks good on you Yuki.” Ryohei said

”Thank you.” Yuki said

Everyone has already okay.” Rei said

”Ah! Rei-chan!” Kaori said

Everyone got surprised.

”You are beautiful Rei.” Masaomi said

”Thank you Masaomi.” Rei said

Yoshihiro saw them and suddenly felt jealous.

After a few hour

Rei's relatives and friends of her parents and her auntie. The party has start. Rei come close to their relatives.

”It's been a long time Auntie.” Rei said

”Oh! Rei! You have grown up.” Her auntie said

”It's been a long time Rei.” Her cousin said

”It's been a long time.” Rei said

”Is he your fiancèe?” Her auntie said

”It's not decided yet.” Rei said

”I see.” Her auntie said

Rei go and talk to her other auntie and cousins. After that Yoshihiro ask Rei to dance with her.

”Can I dance with you?” Yoshihiro said

”Okay.” Rei said

”Happy birthday Rei-san.” Yoshihiro said

”Thank you.” Rei said

And they dance after that

”Rei can I dance with you?” Masaomi said

”Yeah.” Rei said and they dance

While they are dancing

”Happy birthday Rei.” Masaomi said

”Thank you.” Rei said

”Are you okay Rei?” Masaomi said

”Yeah, I'm fine.” Rei said

”Are you sure?” Masaomi said

”Yeah, I have just a bad feeling.” Rei said

”I see.” Masaomi said