84 Chapter 84 (1/2)
The day of death anniversary
Rei wakes up early, prepare herself and she wears kimono. Yuki and others just got woke up and they go outside and they saw Rei.
”Wow she is pretty.” Chiaki said
”Yeah” Ken said
”She is pretty'' Yuki said
Rei notice them
”Good morning” Rei said
”Good morning Rei-chan” Yuki said
Others greet her
”Go and arrange yourself. Our relatives will arrive soon.” Rei said
”Okay” Yuki said
”The maids already prepare the clothes you will wear. There's a name on it that you can't get confuse.” Riko said
”Eh?” everyone said
”Hashimoto-san I wish you didn't do that.” Yuki said
”It's okay!” Riko said
”Go and arrange yourself” Rei said
''Okay!” everyone said
They arrange themselves after a hour they done preparing and they go out to their room and saw each other.
”You are pretty Yuki” Ryohei said
”Thank you” Yuki said
It's look good on you.” Kaito said
”Thank you Kaito” Minami said
”Everyone look good on you.” Rei said
”Thank you” everyone said
Then everyone let's eat breakfast” Riko said
”Okay” everyone said
After a half hour they done eating
Rei's relatives arrived.
”Welcome back Master” the maids said
”Father has arrived” Riko said
”Grandfather.” Rei said in her mind
”It's Rei's grandfather.” Masaomi said in his mind
”Welcome back father.” Riko said
”Yeah” Yoshinori said
”Welcome back grandfather.'' Rei said
”Oh! Rei! It' been a long time you gotten bigger.” Yoshinori said
”Yes grandfather” Rei said
”He is scary” Chiaki said in her mind