47 Chapter 47 (1/2)
One week before the track meet.
”Rei-chan is practicing so hard.” Yuki said
”Yeah.” Ryohei said
”I heard next week the competition.” Riku said
”Eh really?” Yuki said
”I didn't know that” Ryohei said
”I didn't hear about that” Sho said
”Me too” Ken said
”Rei-chan didn't say anything.” Minami said
”Yeah she didn't.” Kaito said
”Let's watch and cheer Rei.” Masaomi said
”Yeah” Kaori and other said
After school
Late time
Masaomi is about to go home and he saw Rei
”Rei!” Masaomi shouted
”Oh Masaomi-kun!” Rei said
”Are you going home?” Masaomi said
”Yeah” Rei said
”Let's go together” Masaomi said
''Yeah” Rei said
They walked together. While they are walking
”Rei we will watch and cheer you” Masaomi said
”Thank you Masaomi-kun” Rei said
”Rei I know you can do it and get a medal.” Masaomi said
”I will do my best” Rei said
”I will cheer you Rei” Masaomi said
”Thank you Masaomi-kun!” happily Rei said
The day of track meet
”Wow this place is amazing” Yuki said
”Yeah” Ryohei said
”Ah it's Rei-chan” Mirai said
”Yeah'' Ryohei said
”They are already taking a warm up” Ken said
”I think it's almost the time” Sho said
Minami looked at the phone
”Yeah, soon” Minami said
”Rei-chan!”Riku shouted
Rei looked at them and waved her hand
Masaomi called Rei and they talk
”Good luck Rei. You can do it” Masaomi said
”Thank you Masaomi-kun!” Rei said
”We will cheer you” Masaomi said
”Yeah, thank you” Rei said