45 Chapter 45 (1/2)

”Grandmother I'm going” Ken said

”Yeah” Atsuko said

Ken go to his mother and little brother's grave. He clean the grave. After washing and purifying his hands, he collect water in a pail and head to the grave. After joining his hands in prayer, he pour the water onto the tombstone a little bit at a time and carefully wash the tombstone. After cleaning the grave, he offer foods and fruits. He places the flowers at the grave. After lighting a candle and offering incenses, he quietly join his hands in prayer. After that he stayed for a while and thinking so deep.

”Let's go walk around.” Minako said

”Okay mom” Ken and Ryuu said

They walked together

Eating together, chatting, and laughing




Ken and Ryuu fell asleep and Minako put a blanket on them. Ken suddenly wakes up.

”Ah sorry did I awake you” Minako said

”No mom it's okay” Ken said




They are walking together, the three of them are holding hands.

”One, two three!” Minako and Yoshirou said

”Yay” Ken shouted

Minako and Yoshirou giggled




His tear suddenly fall. After a few minutes his grandmother arrived.

”Do you hate your father?” Atsuko said

Ken didn't reply

”You really hate him.” Atsuko said

”Why?” Ken said

”Hmm?” Atsuko said

”Why did he become like that after mother and Ryuu died?” Ken said

”Of course he lose the person who are very important to him. The left important is you only.” Atsuko said

”I see” Ken said

”When Minako and Yoshirou has become lovers. They was in high school they really loved each other. Minako's parent are not agree that Yoshirou is her lover but Yoshirou study well and prove that he can give a proper life to Minako. After that they graduate they live in a small apartment and they looks like they are having a happy life. He is living to protect the one he loved. That's all to make him happy. After a few years Minako become pregnant with you and you were born and treasured everything. But the happiness didn't last long. Minako and Ryuu died in a car accident. To him, it was an event too sad and hard to recover but he couldn't let himself fall to depths of despair.” Atsuko said