54 Marjorie – Time on my hands (1/2)
They say blondes have more fun, but that was not my case. I was the librarian who was on the path to becoming an old maid.
I noticed, in looking over the journal that Lance and Serina started, that I have not put my two cents in and as right now I have lots of time on my hands—well I thought you might like to hear things from my point of view.
I came into the world in the year 1927 by the usual method. As an only child, my parents tried their best to spoil me. But I would rather curl up with a fun book, than anything else. Then I discovered E.E. 'Doc' Smith's Skylark series and I was forever hooked.
At first, I read by gas lights as electricity had not yet been installed to my neighborhood.I even remember family outings by horse-drawn carriage as a child, and now I was in a spaceship heading to a distant star?
I did the school thing and went further to get an associate in library science.This was enough education to land a job at our local library. Home to work, curl up on the couch after dinner and fly light years away from the daily drudgery in a book, get some sleep, then repeat. That was my life. I had been torn down in high school, and then in college, as being someone that was too ugly to ever get a date let alone get a boy to marry me.To say that I was boy hungry was an understatement even if my public persona presented a different image to the world.
My life changed forever when a cute guy on a Harley swooped down and mesmerized me with the attention that I had never received before. I was stupid and went for a ride with him. A journey with Charon on the river Styx down to Hades. Yes, I was a naive virgin, in fact, I had never really hoped to be with a man.
I have an eidetic or 'photographic' memory, once I read something, it is inside my mind forever. I can't forget it.Even now I can picture that scene as if I was there. The moment I climbed off the back of that motorcycle I knew that I had made a mistake,. My cute guy said, ”Babe, guess what, you're the star of the party.” There was a small group of bikers who did not look like the cute guy that had enticed me to ride with him.
They surrounded me, One blurted out, ”Is this the best you could find.”
While another obscenely caressed my chest, saying ”She'll do for now. Go see what else you can find for us….” And he drove off, leaving me in the hands of these big hairy brutes.
This one brute seemed to have a love affair with a massive knife, I think it was called a Bowie knife. I ceased to struggle as he flashed it in front of my eyes and then placed that knife on my bare belly which had become exposed as I had fought. My coat was ripped from my body, buttons flying everywhere. That knife slipped along my skin from my waist to my neck cutting the fabric as if a hot knife through butter. My bra was split in two, and my more than adequate breasts flopped out causing the bikers to pass me around so everyone could feel them.I was lifted into the air, and my dress removed quickly, as again the guy with the knife slit the waistband.The feel of that knife caused me to spiral ever closer to madness.
Then I found my self being pushed from brute to brute. Those brutes grabbed me in ways that I had never imaged. Touched me in places that I had not really touched my self, only brushing past as it were. My body betrayed me, as I was feeling this heat develop deep in my belly, something that I had never experienced before, but my mind was flickering from emotion to emotion, the prime ones being fear and loathing.I could tell that I was spiraling away deeply into madness.
The final step was when several guys held my limp body in the air, so that everyone could see the unveiling, and one guy pushed aside my panties and touched my most private spot, the guy behind him waiting for his turn exclaimed: ”Guy's she is a virgin, who wants her first?” Then they started that pass the girl around the circle thing again as they all grabbed and touched whatever they could find. My mind continued to spiral into madness, and I was starting to go catatonic.
I was confident that I had gone mad when this dark grey apparition materialized next to me holding me in her arms. Her? Oh Yes! There was no mistaking her sex. I could feel the cold anger radiating from her as she acted to protect me, then she tossed me as if I was a pillow over their heads and yes, I screamed. Then out of thin air, a man appeared, and I seemed to float into his embrace. A man? Oh yes! Those arms and shoulders were bigger and broader than anything I had seen before, but yes, a man. The strange thing was that in my delusion I was somehow not afraid of being in this man's arms which feeling I had felt was forever forbidden from me after what had just happened.He told me that I was safe and from that moment on I was bonded to this person. With my love of science fiction, I knew without a doubt that I was being protected by visitors from space. At which point the world went black.
When I next became aware of my surroundings, I was surrounded by four other girls, two even more naked than I was and all I had on was a torn pair of white cotton panties. My rescuer was standing with them, but now I could see her head, and she looked to be a human as myself.Then I noticed the man who had appeared out the night to catch me as he proceeded to smash every bike. Systematically shaking these huge men as a terrier shakes a rat. That these big brutes were powerless in his hands opened my eyes and somehow made my heart beat faster. I was feeling things that I had never imagined that I was capable of feeling.