47 Lance – Our Family (1/1)
Lance – Our Family
Our kids were so much fun. The nineteen-fifties were in some ways an ideal time to raise children. Previously kids meant extra hands to help milk the cows. And in later years I had heard that parents did not dare let their kids out of sight, as who knew what might happen. But in the here and now kids could roam the neighborhood freely.
Our family had been getting some weird looks from the neighbors with all these women and only one man in evidence. A little research said to move to what is now called the state of Utah. Why? Because even though the local religion had once supported one man with multiple wives, but had backed down when the government created laws against such practice, there were still groups that continued the tradition.What this meant for us was that hopefully we would not be looked at as being totally weird, just mostly weird.
There were other reasons. One was a massive chunk of granite that one day would be Imp's home in a tunnel dug deep within that granite mountain. Even more critical was that when the world had its close encounter that changed the face of the planet through seismic activity, that this area was relatively untouched. Sure things were shaken up pretty thoroughly, but it did not fall into the oceans or get washed away by a tsunami; in short, it was as safe a spot as there was on this planet.
Serina and I had many pillow talks about moving our family. Even more, pillow talks about the two children that we had and how to help our girls who, while happy to share, really wanted their own children.
Serina murmured into my ear while cuddled up against me our heads sharing the pillow for the moment, ”It is no longer them and us, there is only us. I love those girls so much. I have no idea how we lucked out but even if we had searched and picked only the best we could have found no one better.”
”I know,” I whispered back to Serina. ”And they have no inhibitions left. Erin caught me on the way to the bathroom as she was heading to her room to dress after her bath, 'sans' towel. She kisses almost as well as you do…”
Serina laughed out loud, ”She has kissed me just a thoroughly, she is not almost as good she is a better kisser than I am.”
”At first,” I replied, ”there was just the physical element about like kissing my sister. But now I have to confess that I love them. ”
”As do I,” Serina responded. ”They are all family. If we had been home, it would not be a big deal. Any kids created were linked by genetic fingerprints, and as long as the kids are provided for, no one cares if you formalized a marriage or not. Well, no one except you Lance, and others that were raised with beliefs like you were.”
Serina continued, ”You know that I don't have a jealous bone in my body. If it were not for your beliefs, I would suggest that I share you with them. But as we found out, even bringing up the subject as a possibility and you became as limp as a wet noodle. I've had cuddle chats with all of them and all of them have confessed to me that they love both of us as if we were family, but they love us too much to try anything that might hurt either one of us.”
I replied, ”I can respect someone who has the strength of will to confess that you to Serina, and I have to confess to you that I don't feel like I am sharing my love with them, I love them equally as I do you. Love does not divide, it only multiples unless damaged by greed or jealousy.—so what are we going to do?”
Silence was my answer, and we both just drifted off to sleep. The next week or two was busy. We were moving into a NYC skyscraper of our own. Our company had grown so much. So everyone was busy helping.There was not a lot going on that was not a wait while technology caught up with our knowledge of what was possible.For instance, the alloys that we needed to build a part in our antigrav system had not even been found yet. It does not matter how much you know if you don't have the materials to build the parts that make the machines that produce the parts that you need.
All of the girls were now martial arts experts and could take Serina or I down as long as we did not use our superior strength. Our core group kept much of the crime rate down on our own. Sometimes we had to let things happen as Bit kept us on track. No touching anything that was well reported in the news.What we did know was that the mob bosses were 'slightly' upset with us. With Bit as our chariot, we could be places that were too far away to humanly be there to foil a dastardly plan and live where we did. So we were never a target.
Project Robinhood was in full swing. We no longer bothered with wearing light armor. And it was not always Serina and I that went out. We had a secret company that among other things designed suits for us using some non-Newtonian fabrics that Bit had on hand. Plus we were early adopters of Spandex a few years before it became public in 1959. (Yes, we invested in that one also…) We wanted that protection just in case the bad guys used a gun versus our trained bodies. If you ever wondered where all the strange rumors of bug-eyed monsters and super aliens came from during this period—well I have a good idea that our gals dressed in eye-popping spandex uniforms caused a lot of it.A few of the bad guys got religion when they saw Serina, Erin, and Betty in their spandex outfits…. They were sure that they had been stopped by goddesses.
Space fight was beginning to seem a reality although current technology was like a rowboat when compared to what Bit did.Still, we would need that rowboat technology to help us get the speeds that we had to have to cause significant time dilation if we wanted to get home without wearing white hair.
The highlight of the decade was strangely enough started in my bed. Now there is very little that beats cuddling close at night unless it is that magic that sometimes follows. This night Serina was feeling very playful and wanted to blindfold me. What she had been watching, or who she had been talking to, to give her that idea, well I had no idea. But this was Serina asking, so I let her. The touch of her hands was heavenly, and I just lay there and let her do what she wanted. It was when everything was almost finished except the quiet cuddling that she moaned.That was not Serina moaning now—trust me I knew her as well as any other human could possibly know her and that sound was not her. I whipped off my blindfold to see Erin's face only inches from mine. Our lips met, and that was that. I silently screamed ”Serina!” as there was no way this could have happened without her involvement. Well thank you Bit, but the little Imp in embryo just had to send that out on the all band channel. Moments later I had an audience of seven stunning ladies, clothed or not—as they saw fit, and ready for bed. Serina had this self-satisfied cat got the canary smile. While everyone else just looked on in envy.
They all swear (even under duress as I tickled them) that they did not practice this and that no one knew it was coming, but I don't believe them. I think the girls drew straws or played rock paper scissors to be first. In any case, after they realized that Erin and I had successfully completed Serina's mission, they in virtual unison all said, ”I'm next!”
Then the whole flock of them broke down into laughter while watching my face turn a fantastic shade of pink.