13 Serina - This is Lieutenant Tsgerr of the Imperial marines (2/2)
”Just as always—I need to go back to the embassy for a bit, so I'll be leaving now if that's OK with you?”
”No problem,” I replied. Dismissing Terry with a wave of my hand, I tried to think of some way to get rid of Michelle too, when Michelle suddenly said, ”I'll join you, I've been away too long already. Jack and I will be at class tonight also, Serina.”
”Good, I'll see you all there,” I said, dismissing them from my mind. ”Would you like to come, Larry?” I asked— my heart in my throat. We have beginner's classes if you prefer?”
”What kind of classes are they?”
”Exercise classes, but we also teach an ancient form of self-defense called 'Judo' as a way to avoid the boredom of most other exercise forms. It's not hard. Won't you come? I'd very much like to see you again.”
”Who could resist such a beautiful woman?” He said, smiling. I melted under his gaze. ”I'll be there, in fact, I have the whole day off, and it appears that I've lost my guide, she got sick.”
I arched my eyebrow—wondering just what he meant. I hadn't noticed anything wrong with Michelle. If anything, she looked better than at any time I had seen her before.
” . . . Lovesick,” he clarified, answering my unasked question.
”Oh!” As a revelation unfolded in my mind, it was Jack, her shadow that had Michelle looking so radiant. I had a chance after all! Or did I? I had to keep the Duke happy, but not satisfied, until this affair with the Emperor was over, as Lady De Winter had plenty of spies here. However, this morning was mine. I had a flash of insight. Yes, I could keep seeing Lance and not rock the boat with the Duke, ”How about a swim?” I asked. Not waiting for an answer I rushed on, ”I know this grotto that is fantastic.”
”Sure,” Larry accepted.
”Stay here,” I said, ”I'll go get us a couple of gill packs, and tell the boss where I am.”
I ran into a nearby courtesy shack and logged on to the resorts E-mail system. I dictated a brief message to the Duke, telling him that I had contacted an Imperial Senior Secretary that I thought could help the cause, and to not expect me tonight. Running back to my Lance, I paused to snag two gills. It was a beautiful day, and the ocean had its usual fascination for me. All I remember was Lance—how smoothly he moved through the water almost as if he had been born here. He was an enigma though. Once when I cuddled in close with him, to watch a small shrimp cleaning a fish, there was almost an electrical current between us as my skin touched his. I felt his desire for me. My desire swelled to match his . . . then just as if a switch was thrown, he was gone, no desire, no electricity—he had not moved a muscle, but my Lance was kilometers away from me.