11 Serina - We have been Expecting You (1/1)
Caribbia is a beautiful planet. I stepped out of the transport booth and three handsome men, all with a beautiful golden brown tan, wearing only a colorful wrap loosely around their hips, converged on me. The first to reach me said ”Miss T'gerr? Allow me to extend a personal welcome from the Duke of Paldonia. I am Sergio Mendasity, the Crystal Cove's head concierge; we have been expecting you, the boys will be happy to take your luggage, your suite is right this way. Now if you will follow me, I will escort you to your suite.” They whisked me to a private Lift. I felt overwhelmed, never having experienced anything like this. I'd swear that he had said his entire welcome speech on one lung full of air.
The lift let us out directly into the foyer of a magnificent suite. The decor, in earth tones,was Polynesian with a subtle Oriental overtone. The floor had the illusion of walking on sand, even to the sand appearing to squish around my toes but it was smooth to the touch. I looked back over my shoulder and saw my tracks slowly vanishing behind me leaving only virgin sand in my wake. The walls had the appearance of being thatched with palm leaves. Dwarf palms dotted the periphery of the room, interspersed with small banana plants, with real bananas hanging from them. There were even dwarf orange trees with large oranges hanging from the branches. The plants were probably some new bio-engineered species.
”This is his graces' suite,” Mr. Mendasity said. As we trooped into a formal front room, earth tones again dominated, but the plants were limited to small Bonsai trees, beautiful orchids, dwarf bird of paradise flowers, and the like. ”. . . The Master Bedroom.” Mr. Mendasity announced, with a flourish of his hand. The bedroom, our final destination, was on the same massive scale as the other rooms. The decor was in pale pastels, of which red was the dominant tone. The bed was a huge Float bed, with a rose crystal base. I was about to ask if a guide came with the bed when the manager snapped his fingers, and his two 'boys' started in opening my duffel bags and putting my clothes away.
Now just because I was a Marine—or maybe because of it—did not mean that I was immune from the feminine desire for frilly, lacy things. From the looks Mr. Mendasity was discreetly giving me, as his employees held up various tidbits while folding them, I knew that he was looking forward to seeing me—without my uniform! I immediately decided that I would dig out my old-fashioned bikini and wear it, No way was I going to slake his voyeuristic lusts. I decided that I'd had enough, and chased them all out—saying, ”If I need a guide, I'll send for one.”
Although the experience had been short, it was exhausting, and I collapsed, spread eagle, floating in the bed. Looking straight up, I saw a mirror the size of the bed attached to the ceiling. All the rumors that I'd ever heard about the Duke were now, in my mind, fully proven to me. It looked like I was going to have to get my track shoes out, and keep them near my bed, just in case the Duke came for a visit!
Unpacking could wait—I wanted to hit the beaches' first. I rummaged around and found my bikini—I guess that you could call it a family heirloom. A large wall sized mirror filled the west wall of the bedroom. Standing in front of the mirror, I gave myself a self-evaluation. Female, I thought. No one would ever mistake me for a man. I even more than filled out my uniform—giving the suggestion of curves where none should show. I stripped off my dress blacks suddenly feeling revulsion for them.
Looking at myself without my clothes, I began my self-appraisal. My hair has a slight reddish tint, especially in the right light; otherwise, brunette might be a better description. A pleasing face, not what I'd call 'beautiful,' but adequate, with high well-defined cheekbones. My eyes were large and expressive, a deep liquid brown. I had an all over light golden brown tan. I always have the ultra-violets on when I exercise, usually in the buff, and I do a great deal of exercise. I acknowledge that I'm overly concerned about my looks, especially when my job hides so much of my skin from public view. My skin was smooth and supple. Full firm breasts, without a trace of sag, I thought proudly and pert pink nipples, a narrow waist—in proportion to my other measurements. My hips were on the same enhanced scale as my breasts, and all smoothly rounded curves—no angles on me! My thighs were firm and full, not lanky, tapering into smooth, well defined, calves. In all, I felt that I could hold my own with any women I knew.
The bikini felt strange at first but soon settled in place. If anything, this swimsuit accentuated my assets. I thought as I looked critically at my reflection in the mirror. Looking closer I noticed that just the hint of a bulge was forming just above the bikini bottoms; I would have to do something about that!
The lift let me out on the main floor, a delightful Polynesian atmosphere. However, I was in too much of hurry to get to the beach to spend much time looking around. I had a strong feeling of being watched. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed heads snapping to look at me, as I walked by. I shrugged it off as curiosity about who was using the Duke's suite in my rush to the beach.
The beach was everything I'd hoped. The sun shone brightly in the blue-green sky. The water was warm and deep blue—it sparkled in the morning sunlight. I grabbed a gill mask and splashed into the water swiftly disappearing below the waves to that quiet world.
Exhausted, but refreshed in spirit, I emerged from the waves into the beauty of a fire-red sunset. I was famished and sought out 'The Lagoon,' a five-star restaurant that was attached to the resort. I had imported ”Maine” Lobster, with all the trimmings, heavenly!
With small variations, this routine continued for two full delicious weeks. In the end, I had toasted myself to full golden brown. My bulge had disappeared, and I was at peace with the world. Then the Duke arrived.
The first that I knew he was here, I had just finished my shower, to rinse the salt off, before an evening session of martial arts. I had started working out seriously two days ago. I had just stepped out and was vigorously toweling myself, singing an old song, when I realized that someone was in the room. Startled by my lack of awareness, I looked to the doorway and found the Duke leaning against the doorframe, an appreciative grin on his face. ”Your grace!” I exclaimed, wrapping the towel about me, ”I'm sorry, but no one told that you had arrived.”
”I just got in, how about dinner?” The Duke invited, a hungry look on his face as he stared at me.
Thinking of the mirrored ceiling and my thought about track shoes, I countered with, ”I'm sorry but my leave is over tomorrow morning, and I'm back in training. Could I interest you into accompanying me to my workout?”—hoping that his love of one sport might divert his attention from the other.
I think my refusal surprised him, but he rallied quickly and said, ”A martial arts type workout? OK, it sounds fun. Have you improved?”
”I don't know, let's go find out,” and rapidly exchanging my towel for my Gi, I hurried past him. I'm not sure, but maybe, just maybe, I heard a chuckle as I slipped past.
The Duke suggested that I stay on at the Crystal Cove and continue training my team. I had to take time out for Officers school. However, with the Duke paying for everything there was no problem with my Porting back and forth from the academy on Galactica and Caribbia.
Eventually I settled into a routine, get up early before the Duke and go for a long underwater swim. Breakfast with Sir James in his suite. I showered the salt off after he left for the palace, then it was off to school. Evenings I spent at the dojo, wearing the Duke out so that he was too tired for any extra-curricular activities, and even then I found myself frequently having a desire for a brisk moonlight run, with a ”Wolf” baying not far behind me.
Afternoons I worked with a variety of Imperial Marines who had taken advantage of the Crystal Cove's offer of leave in paradise. The staff had special instructions to see to these Marines' every want. I had found almost forty men and women, matching my prerequisites, that I had sent to be approved by the Lady de Winters at her villa on Draco. A couple of candidates I had to—dispose of—, as they were obvious spies. The candidates that had passed the Lady de Winters interrogation were now starting to come back for a final leave and polishing under my tutelage before they went on to the Duke's secret ultimate training camp. Just where it was I didn't know; I was hoping that that's where I'd be assigned eventually.