6 Serina - The Teddy with The Pink Hearts (2/2)
He had been droning on for only a short time when Sarge snapped ”Atten'—Hut!” and we all snapped to, ”Specialist T'gerr—Front and Center!” My jaw almost dropped, why me? Frantically I tried to recall just what had been said earlier, as I marched up to the front snapping to attention at the Sarge's side.
”Specialist T'gerr,” the Duke said, a pleased self-satisfied cat-ate-the-canary half-smile on his face. ”I just received official word that you won the unarmed combat category. So it is with pride that on behalf of the Emperor We present you with this ribbon.” He approached me and pinned the ribbon on my tunic, just above my left breast. My first real ribbon—nearly everyone else in the platoon had rows of them. ”As a reward for your achievement, I have a field commission to Lieutenant, and I am assigning you to my staff. Your first duty is a two-week leave, at my expense, at my resort—the Crystal Cove on Caribbia. Sergeant!” Sarge smartly marched up to me and pinned on my lieutenant's bars, stepped back and saluted me—I was so surprised that I almost forgot to return his salute.
”Sergeant, dismiss the platoon. Lieutenant T'gerr, I want to see you immediately. Lady de Winter will you join us?” The Duke tucked my arm in his, leaving the Lady de Winter to follow us. So arm in arm the Duke escorted me into the Pagoda, leaving Sarge somewhat slack-jawed at this disregard of protocol.
The study was opulent, to say the least—the walls were real wood, Terran oak, a soft, thick maroon carpet was on the floor. ”I've decided to take a personal interest in your career, Lieutenant. I've studied your files closely, and I think you will fit in perfectly with my staff, besides,” he grinned mischievously, ”I like the way you fight (as his eyes raked me from head to toe and back again.) I must leave immediately; I'm expected at the palace. The Lady de Winter will brief you as to your other duties. I'll join you in a couple of weeks, at the Crystal Cove.” Then taking my hand, he bowed low and slowly, sensuously, kissed it, which sent chills up my arm. ”Until we meet again.” The Duke said, an undecipherable glint in his eye, and he turned and strode out the door.
Lady de Winter gestured me to a leather covered executive chair close to her desk saying, ”Please make yourself comfortable. May I offer you a drink?”
”Thank you, a cold glass of lemon aid, please.”
”My dear Serina you'll ruin your health drinking that stuff.” She pressed a button on the desk and snapped ”A glass of lemon aid, and a snifter of cognac—the study.” The Lady de Winter sat quietly engaged in introspection for several minutes, suddenly she looked at me and said, ”So that you understand, this is 'my' operation, despite what the dear Duke thinks. I've seen your file also; you are for yourself, first, last, and only. I've read how you clawed your way out of that ghetto where you were born. You've now seen how fast advancement can be for those I like. If you work with me (and then she looked me over just as the Duke had before her), you'll have power and riches beyond your wildest dreams.”
Leaning forward, licking my lips hungrily I said, ”Tell me more Lady de Winter.”
That attractive but nervous young man interrupted us and presented our drinks. ”You and I will get along just fine, but please call me Cynthia.”
”Cynthia . . .” I repeated in a slightly dazed voice, as I accepted my glass.
As the busboy left the room, Cynthia said, ”The Duke wants you to screen some candidates for his cherished Ninjas, only I want you to make sure that the ones you pass are loyal only to me. While you are at the Crystal Cove, after you have enjoyed your vacation, you will stay on and train a select group of Imperial Marines that I will be sending there. Select only the best. When you are ready, send them here for advanced training, and I'll brief them and give them the final OK.”
”This all sounds good, m' Lady—”
''Cynthia,” she interjected. ''Cynthia,” I acknowledged, stumbling over the word, ”I know you can deliver on the riches end, but power?” I questioned, with just the right amount of hope and doubt in my voice.
”The dear Duke is planning a coup—we will assassinate the Emperor, and all the Senators, except this region's Imperial Senators and a few others.”
”Why not all of them.” I interrupted.
”Because they are on my payroll. After our wedding the Duke dies—then I will be the leader of the entire known universe. Support me, and you could be adopted as the Princess heir apparent. You have access to the Duke. He has taken a fancy to you I know the signs. When I give you the signal—kill him. I'm childless—after I'm gone, the empire will be yours. You could easily kill him; you're better than he is—I saw you throw the fight this morning.”
”I'll be an Imperial Princess?” I repeated dazedly, ”You've got yourself a partner, Cynthia!” I held up my glass, which she touched with hers then we both drank to the future.