181 The Pieces 4 (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 23060K 2022-07-22

Sometimes, the pieces just fell so perfectly in place that you'd think the author behind your life was purposely designing it that way.

After Sylvia left her office, she started to have second thoughts of exposing everything to her mom. For one, she did not know how her mother would react to the news and for another, all she had was a speculation and a witness, if she was a lawyer, she would have no case to build around it. She needed more concrete evidence if she was to convince her mother.

Sylvia thought about it and she considered the option of bringing in reinforcement. There was a suitable candidate in her mind.

Since it was her Auntie Xiu Ling who revealed to her the news about her father's infidelity, perhaps she could be the one to help her tie all the links together and help her mother see the truth. On top of that, Auntie Xiu Ling was her mother's best friend, if anyone was going to get through her mother's stubbornness and hardheadedness, it was going to be her Auntie Xiu Ling.

Sylvia pulled out her phone to give Xiu Ling a call.

In a stroke of coincidence, Xiu Ling was considering calling Sylvia as well. She too had something to tell Joann and similar to Sylvia, she also only had half of the puzzle. However, the half she had was exactly the half that Sylvia was missing.

The two women were shocked to find out they each held a part of the puzzle. They compared notes on the phone and after a brief discussion, decided it was finally time to bring this up with Joann. Xiu Ling would be the one making the call to Joann, she would ask her best friend out to a meeting on the pretext of their Three Months Club.

Sylvia suggested the meet-up be held at her home. She would find a day where her grandmother and father would not be home and they could have the whole place to themselves. This could provide the comfort of home ground to Joann should she need it. Xiu Ling agreed with Sylvia's suggestion.


The day of the grand expose came sooner than expected or at least it felt that way. Sylvia and Xiu Ling had been thinking about what to prepare but then again, what could you prepare for a thing like this?

Sylvia believed all they could do was to be honest and show compassion as well as support, however Xiu Ling had a different idea in mind. Xiu Ling believed there was a reason driving everyone's action. After understanding their drive, one could have a better grasp of the whole picture and that would provide a better information to be used during negotiation.