168 The Gift 2 (1/2)
Perhaps the words that Lin Kang told her during his confession gave Xiu Ling more confidence than she initially believed or perhaps she was done taking grief from random stranger, Xiu Ling placed the blouse down and she turned to ask the sales promoter sweetly, ”Is that so? In that case, what do you think I can afford here?”
Xiu Ling saw the woman's face slowly twisted ugly as she submitted to the rising anger due to Xiu Ling's provocation. However, instead of getting satisfaction out of the woman's reaction like other people would in her situation, Xiu Ling just felt sad and pity. Pity for the woman due to obvious reason and sad because she had allowed her emotions to take over, causing her to stoop to such a low level.
Xiu Ling never saw the purpose of taking a rise out of others for the sake of own's sadistic enjoyment. Yes, it might lead to a certain degree of satisfaction but the satisfaction would only be temporary. The more permanent method was not to work on others but on ourselves, if you are self-assured enough, you would not have bothered with what others think about you.
In other words, Xiu Ling was not one for pointless face-slapping. She found that to be an overly emotional response and oftentimes would be a huge waste of not only money but also one's energy. All that to prove a point, it was not worth it. Furthermore, wouldn't it be tired if you need to prove yourself again and again day after day?
There is a Chinese idiom that goes like this, 'If there's a musk, there's naturally a sweet smell, then why would you need to stand facing the wind?'
In English, it would translate roughly as, if you're really talented, why is there a need to go around blowing your own trumpet? After all, the emptiest can makes the most noise. Only those who are not secure with themselves need to one-up others constantly to show others, but mainly to remind themselves, that they're better than everyone else. It was truly an exercise in futility because if you don't have self-assurance and self confidence, no matter how hard or how constant you face-slap others, you will never convince the final judge, which is ultimately... yourself.
Xiu Ling agreed whole-heartedly with that philosophy.
However, make no mistake, she was no saint, Xiu Ling just did not want to exert herself on people that she deemed not worthy of her time. When others go low, you go high.
Cutting through her thought, the sales promoter hissed, ”You can afford to leave.”
Xiu Ling then turned to look at the sales promoter. She realized the insult did not sting as much as before. She felt at peace with herself. A crabby sales person was not going to ruin her day, Xiu Ling would make sure of that. Xiu Ling smiled once more, with sincerity this time, ”You know what, sister. You're right. I'll be leaving in a bit. You have a nice day ahead.”
Xiu Ling then turned to leave the store, leaving the sales promoter with the illusion of victory.