152 The Man Behind the Star 2 (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 23600K 2022-07-22

Sylvia argued. ”Plus it's fun to get dressed up and reminisce about the past. I'm sure you haven't done that in a long time already, right?”

Xu Jing and Joann had to admit their daughter was right. Joann's career took off not long after she married Xu Jing. The endless movie shootings, fan meetings and press conferences stood in the way of any intimate moments between the couple.

However, Xu Jing made it a point to be present at all the functions that involved his wife. This was something he would do unless there was something urgent at Xu Corps that needed his attention. At the time, Xu Jing's father was still alive so technically, Xu Jing's schedule was wide open. He was free to do whatever he wanted and he spent most of his time supporting his wife.

His appearance at these functions was so constant that most of Joann's growing fans knew of his identity. They would tell Joann how lucky she was that she managed to marry her biggest fan.

While Joann was appreciative of his support, those couldn't really be called intimate moments. After all, they were sharing that with her fans.

These visitations though started to peter off after Xu Jing's father passed away and the man's responsibility at the company suddenly tripled. Joann did not blame her husband because she understood what he was going through but it would be a lie to say that she stopped looking through the crowd to find her husband's face during her recent functions.

Therefore, perhaps their daughter was right, maybe they did need a chance to reconnect.

”You know what, perhaps this is not that bad of an idea.” Xu Jing said. He was probably thinking the same thing as his wife. Then again, the man would take any excuse he could find to spend a romantic evening with his wife.

Xu Jing turned surreptitiously to Sylvia and winked, saying non-verbally, 'Good job.'

Sylvia caught his gesture but she turned swiftly away. Xu Jing believed he saw guilt and helplessness on his daughter's face but he convinced himself he saw wrongly because why would that be?

With the combined persuasive power of Sylvia and Xu Jing, Joann finally relented. ”Fine, it could be fun.”


Time soon passed to the day of their date. Xu Jing had been feeling weirdly nervous since that morning. Since they were going to an up-scale eatery, they needed to dress the part.

Xu Jing rented a tuxedo and the man looked quite dashing in his get-up. The formal attire added a sense of maturity that was normally absent on the man.

He paced around their living room and then glanced at the time. It was almost 6 pm. The surprise that he had planned would arrive at 7 and he was worried that they might miss it altogether.

Sylvia had a case that night so she had already left about 10 minutes ago. Before she left, she ran into her father who was fretting in the living room. Looking at how nervous he was, Sylvia's heart melted. She could not understand why her father would do that irredeemable mistake. In any case, it was not her place to judge.