146 The Fluff 8 - Rapid Update 3 (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 22320K 2022-07-22

Hearing the bottle clatter down the counter, Xiu Ling immediately turned to grab it. However, she was too late, the oil had already spilled to the floor, making it incredibly slippery.

Xiu Ling was knocked off balance due to her drastic turn and the floor gave away underneath her. She slipped and flew forward, screaming as she went down.

Like in the superhero movie, time seemed to slow down for Lin Kang. He placed the box down, took a running start and charged forward to catch Xiu Ling all in one smooth motion. It was a waste that he was not a stuntman because he would be very good at it.

Xiu Ling expected herself to kiss the ground but her hands ended up falling on a firm yet bouncy surface. Xiu Ling opened her eyes to look and realized she had fallen into Lin Kang's arms. Even through the layer of clothing, Xiu Ling could sense the taut and well-toned pecs underneath. The first thought that came into her mind inexplicably was, 'Wait, hasn't this happened before?!'

Xiu Ling once again found herself encircled safely within Lin Kang's arms just like the time when they were at the swimming pool. Similar to then was the increased heart rate and unnatural palpitation.

Then heat seared through her face. She quickly removed herself from Lin Kang, uttered hurriedly, ”I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.”

However, when she parted away from Lin Kang, Xiu Ling realized that was not going to be the end of her embarrassment. Since she was handling dough earlier, it meant that her hands were sticky with flour.

When she collapsed into Lin Kang's embrace, she inadvertently left two conspicuously palm prints on the man's chest, one on each side. It was as if some sex-crazed maniac with curiously white hands had groped the man on his chest and left the evidence there.

Xiu Ling could not have been more embarrassed. Trying her best to salvage the situation, Xiu Ling did the only thing she could, which was pretend like nothing had happened and returned to the baking.

”Right, as I was saying, you needed to wrap the box with cling wrap first before placing it inside the oven for proofing. This is because if you left the dough exposed to the air, it will form a skin and we definitely do not want that...” Xiu Ling started to ramble to hide her embarrassment. Her hands moved as fast as her words.

She took the box back, wrapped it up and carried it to the oven. She then turned to face Lin Kang and said in a tone that was as dignified and as calm as she could manage. ”The proofing process will take about 30 minutes so in the meantime, you can go and change. I'm so sorry.”

Before Lin Kang could respond, Xiu Ling escaped from the kitchen to the living room. She planted herself in front of the television and switched it on, upping its volume to the max. She was not going to deal with this awkwardness. 30 minutes should be enough time for her to recover.