128 The Traitor 12 (1/2)
At the time, Zao Ming was all wrapped up in his head and it was Lee Mu who guided him back to firm ground with much patience and a firm shake.
Back in the present, the role had been reversed. While Zao Ming had second doubts with regards to going through with the so-called expose, he had a confident answer to Lee Mu's question.
”No, we are most definitely not a mistake. Loving you is the best decision I've ever made in my life so how can it be a mistake?” Zao Ming uttered. In the dark, it felt like his voice was a gospel that came from above.
However, it was unclear whether that managed to remove the doubt from Lee Mu's heart or not because the room was too dim for Zao Ming to get a good look at the man's facial expression. This was only made worse when Lee Mu turned his head away.
Zao Ming heard Lee Mu take in a very deep breath before he said in a lighter tone, ”By the way, didn't you say some work has come in earlier? What is it about? I hope it can help me take my mind off things.”
Zao Ming was silent for a long time, gauging whether Lee Mu's attempt at a topic change was because he agreed with him or he simply did not want to talk about this issue anymore. Lee Mu was such a good actor that Zao Ming could read no information from his face.
In the end, he sighed and said, ”Yes, it was from a prestigious real estate company, Lin Corps. The invitation came rather out of nowhere but the pay is great and the exposure will be good after the whole fiasco at the press conference. They are offering you to be their new spokesperson so most likely you'll appear in some commercials and posters. I suppose we'll find out more about the details during the meeting that is scheduled for tomorrow.”
”That sounds amazing!” Lee Mu cheered but Zao Ming could not hear the genuine joy in his boyfriend's voice.
A nugget of worry lodged itself in Zao Ming's heart. 'Perhaps this is the wrong thing to do. I definitely do not want this to come between us.'
They had too many things to lose and Zao Ming did not want to risk losing the most important person in his life. He leaned against Lee Mu's strong shoulder and said, ”If you're not feeling up for it, I can cancel the meeting. Perhaps both of us need some time to recover and rearrange our emotions.”
”What are you talking about? This is such a valuable opportunity. Being the face of Lin Corps will boost my popularity and it will be immensely helpful to both our careers.” Lee Mu explained, ”Plus, I'm really fine. Like usual, you worry too much.”
Lee Mu said with levity but Zao Ming could hear the heaviness in his voice. Zao Ming wanted to say something more but Lee Mu ended the conversation by adding, ”I'm sorry for waking you up. Let's get back to sleep. I don't want us to wake up late for the meeting tomorrow.”
Before Zao Ming could say anything, Lee Mu moved his body away from him and leaned back into bed.