88 The Review 6 (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 22030K 2022-07-22

Xiu Ling knew this fear of hers suffered from a serious case of slippery slope fallacy but she could not stop herself. She cared about this sisterhood with Joann and she did not want to lose it. However, it was also due to this care that she had for Joann that Xiu Ling knew she should not push it when her friend was at such a vulnerable place.

”Oh, sorry. I was just trying to process what you just said. I suppose if you feel so strongly about pushing the meeting to the next session, I'm fine with it. Joann, I understand where you're coming from…” was what his wife had said.

Lin Kang did not know anything about the Three Months Club between Xiu Ling and Joann, that was not something Xiu Ling would inform her husband about. After all, it had practically nothing to do with the man and they weren't that close to have Xiu Ling involved Lin Kang in every aspect of her life.

However, Lin Kang did recognize Joann's name since she was a popular celebrity and he knew his wife was close friend with her. Based on verbal clues taken from the women's conversation, Lin Kang understood Xiu Ling wanted to invite Joann out for a meeting but something on Joann's end was stopping her from agreeing to Xiu Ling's invitation.

Lin Kang frowned as he pulled out his phone from his pocket. He googled Joann's name. The search result came back in the matters of seconds.

Lin Kang skipped the Wikipedia and Imdb entries. As he scrolled down, he saw an online article that he felt was relevant to what he was searching for.

He clicked on it and the picture that appeared on screen made his eyes twitch from discomfort. If this was the normal Lin Kang, his eyes might have lingered on the screen for a few seconds but for some reason, knowing his wife was in close proximity, Lin Kang panicked and closed his phone immediately. It was as if the man did not want his wife to discover he had the picture of a naked woman on his phone.

After Lin Kang calmed down, he slowly connected the dots. Even though he did not have the time to read the entire article, he understood the kind of impact a scandal like this would have on a celebrity. He figured out why Joann was so reluctant to leave the comfort and safety of her own home.

Lin Kang thought about it and he soon came up with a solution that would be acceptable by both Xiu Ling and Joann.

He opened his phone and logged into a travelling agency's website. He tapped a few buttons on his phone and the plan he had in mind was set into motion.

With a satisfied smile, Lin Kang waved to get Xiu Ling's attention. Xiu Ling caught his movement out of the corner of her eyes and turned around to face Lin Kang.

Lin Kang made a hand signal to Xiu Ling, saying he wish for her to temporarily put the phone down because he wanted to talk to her.