68 The Babysitting Experience 5 (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 22790K 2022-07-22

Lin Kang sat before his home computer and started to work. There were many projects that needed his attention. He needed to calculate his company's profit projection and investment risk in the coming quarter year. There were charts, graphs, lists, equations, calculations and tons of paperwork to go through.

His was a job that needed extreme focus and attention, something that was not easily achieved with a toddler in the room with you. Lin Kang did not know that before but he sure would learn this valuable lesson now.

While he concentrated on calculating a business account, there was a sudden clattering that came from behind him. It was not loud but was definitely audible enough to cause interruption to Lin Kang.

The man turned around with an imperceptible frown and saw there was a mess of blocks around Lin Xi. The boy had destroyed his own creation.

With his father watching, Lin Xi picked up the blocks and started building another construction. 'Perhaps he was not satisfied with the earlier one,' thought Lin Kang.

He was reminded of how he would also reject the floor plan given to him by the architects when it was less than satisfactory. 'The boy too has an eye for perfection, that is not a bad thing, especially in a business like ours,' observed Lin Kang.

Lin Kang nodded approvingly before turning back to his work.

After about 10 minutes, Lin Kang finally got his focus back. Things were finally going good when there was another disruption to his thoughts. The frown on his forehead deepening, he turned around to look.

King Kong Lin Xi was rampaging through the cities that he created, knocking down the stacked blocks that represented skyscrapers. It was then that Lin Kang realized, Lin Xi rebuilt those things not because they were not perfect, he did it because he wanted to knock them down again. It was to satisfy that destructive urge that little boys tended to have.

The building blocks tumbled and knocked into each other, creating a cacophony that was highly entertaining to Lin Xi and incredibly annoying to Lin Kang.

Lin Kang pushed his chair back as he stood up. He strode purposely towards Lin Xi before squatting down.

Lin Xi stopped what he was doing and looked his father in the eyes, he assumed his father was about to join him so he smiled in invitation.

Lin Kang though hauled all the building blocks into his arms and proceeded to stand up. Lin Xi protested as his arms went for the blocks that got beyond his reach. Instead of crying, Lin Xi puffed up his cheeks in protestation and yelled defiantly at his father.