41 The Arrival (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 21880K 2022-07-22

”Hmm… Joann, is that you? You have not left yet? What are you still doing here?” The person who made the enquiry was the director. He had finished his work and was leaving when he noticed a female figure wandering around the set. He assumed it was one of the extra who had lingered so when he got closer, he was surprised to see it was one of his movie's main actors.

”Ah, director. It's you. Leaving already?” Joann glanced at her watch before mumbling, ”I did not realize it is so late already.”

”Indeed. Aren't you going to be the party? If you do not leave now, you are going to be late. Also why are you still here?” asked the director.

Joann answered, ”I am going but only after I find my car key…” Joann looked around her while she said that.

”Your car key? You have lost it?”

”Unfortunately so… I have them placed alongside my house keys inside a leather purse but I can't seem to be able to find it anywhere. I wonder where I have misplaced the thing…” Joann groaned with evident frustration.

”Wait a minute. A black leather purse about ye size?” The director asked while making a rectangle about 20 by 15 centimeters in the air using his hands.

Joann's eyes glowed with relief and she answered excitedly, ”Yes, it is exactly that size! Have you seen it?”

”I cannot be sure it is the same purse you are looking for but I found something similar in the editing room. I have asked the staff there but none of them came forward to claim it so I left it on the table before I left. We should go and see whether it is the purse you have lost.”

Joann followed the director to the editing room. ”This is indeed my purse! Thank you for finding it, director,” Joann exclaimed holding the purse in her palms.

”You're welcome but I didn't really do anything. Just be more careful next time.”

”Alright, thank you again.”

”Let's get a move on, we do not want to be late for the party,” suggested the director.

”Of course, let's walk to the parking lot together.” As they moved towards their cars, Joann could not help but wonder, 'But I have not been to the editing room today so why my purse would be left there? The only person I remember having something to do with the editing room was Qing Qing who went there to give the director her recommendation for the party tonight but of course she would not have anything to do with this, would she?

'Of course not, what am I thinking?'