15 The Water Broke (1/2)

Table for Two Lonelytree 23160K 2022-07-22

The Three-month Club's latest meeting was cut short due to the arrival of a sudden member, Xiu Ling's baby boy.

Yes, that was right. While Xiu Ling and Joann were happily chatting in the Lin manor's living room, Xiu Ling expressing concern about Joann's nude scenes in the upcoming Ye Fei Ye movie; Joann brushing her off, telling her in turn not to live her life being constantly cautious about other people's opinion, Xiu Ling's water suddenly broke.

The first to react was Joann who screamed, ”Xiu Ling, your water just broke! Someone call the ambulance or something!”

Xiu Ling the prospective mother was too flustered by this to realize what was really happening. In a flurry of motions, she was carried off the sofa and shuttled into a waiting ambulance, that to her had appeared out of thin air, and was sent off to the hospital.

She did not realize it was Joann who called the ambulance after she calmed down; it was Auntie Sun who packed the hospital care bag for her and she missed the disgusted frown on Mrs. Lin's face when she found out Xiu Ling's water had broken on and thus dirtied her precious, expensive antique sofa.

When asked who would accompany Xiu Ling to the hospital, Mrs. Lin was hesitant to say yes even though she was technically the only one who had familial ties to Xiu Ling. She looked prudently away while all the eyes were turned expectantly on her.

After an uncomfortable silence, Joann stepped up to the plate and volunteered to go with Xiu Ling.

It was not until then that Mrs. Lin stepped forth to thank the paramedics for coming so quickly to answer her daughter-in-law's distress call. She added that she would go the hospital later with Auntie Sun in their own car lest they crowded Xiu Ling in the ambulance, making her uncomfortable.

It was said with such a sweet and understanding smile that even the paramedics would have believed her if not for the break in her façade earlier.

They shared a look among themselves and soon left Lin manor with Xiu Ling and Joann in tow. They could not help but pity Xiu Ling. They did not know the full story but from that little interaction, they knew the mother and daughter-in-law did not share an amiable relationship. In the dynamic of this relationship, it did not require a rocket scientist to figure out which among the two had the upper hand.

On the way to the hospital, Joann tried to reach Xiu Ling's husband because which father would not want to be there to witness the miracle that was the birth of his son?

The answer? Lin Kang.

There was no one to answer Lin Kang's personal number. Joann tried for a few more times before she gave up and turned to call his office number instead.

She had a much better luck this time because it was picked up in less than a few rings.

The person who answered was Lin Kang's latest secretary and after congratulating her boss' wife on her birth, she told Joann that Lin Kang was not in because he had business obligation overseas.