Chapter 758 (1/2)

”Well, then, well, I'll have a bottle of ten thousand foreign wine and order the rest.” The second dog wiped his sweat and said something unkindly.

Niang, I thought I had known something about the hotel after such a long time. How could I know that I only knew some rough edges.

I thought that my money was big, but I didn't expect it was far away.

When the food and wine were ready, I thought that I could not finish more than 10000 yuan. How could I know that six dishes and one soup, plus a bottle of foreign wine, would cost more than 20000 yuan. It's too expensive.

Is it hard to be immortal if you eat in such a box.

”Chichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichichi Two dogs picked up chopsticks and said, according to their previous standards in the mountains, it is estimated that eating for more than ten years will not cost so much money.

”Wipe, your death, I will not give money later.” Brother long said a word regardless of it, which made the face of the beauty who stood behind and was in charge of pouring wine a little unnatural.

Money is money, but the waiter is also very comfortable. As soon as the wine is finished, the beauty standing behind will pour it on you, which makes it inconvenient for ER Gou to say something secret.

”Well, this, can you go out? We can pour the wine ourselves.” Two dogs said.

”Oh, OK, just call us if you need anything. We'll be at the door.” The two beauties spoke very politely, and then bowed back out.

”Damn, brother long, it's a shame for you to say that. Is it our style not to give money?” See the beauty out, two dogs said.

”Anyway, it's the enemy's hotel. If you don't eat it for nothing, it's a fool to pay for it.” Brother long said while gnawing at the meat and bones of the game.

”Ha ha, I don't know if it is. Even we don't eat his overlord meal. We can afford to spend such a little money.” Two dogs finished drinking a cup of thousands of foreign wine.

Mother, the most exasperating thing is that the thousands of yuan a bottle of foreign wine is not the best. It's more expensive than drinking human milk.

”Eat, and you'll have to act when you're full.” Feng Mei also said a word at this time.

”Why?” Two dogs don't understand looking at Feng Mei.

”No, we'll go up the mountain immediately after dinner. We can get to the top of the mountain in the evening. We can do what we should do at that time.” Feng Mei said as she ate.

”But Er Gou's martial arts have not reached the Ninth level yet?” Said brother long.

”It's OK, I have a way, hehe.” Two dogs drink and smirk.

”What can we do? Don't mess around. We'd better not touch Ouyang invincible. Otherwise, it's hard to retreat.” Feng Mei reminds her that even the three elders of the Longfeng family don't know how powerful Ouyang invincible is. Therefore, Feng Mei is also very worried about Er Gou's trouble at this time.

”Don't worry, everything is under control.” Two dogs said and continued to eat.

After dinner, the two beauties were called in. While picking their teeth, the two dogs lit a cigarette and smoked. They squinted at the two beauties for a long time and then said, ”beauties, what if we don't have money?”

”No, it won't be.” The beauty was startled. Just heard brother long say this, the two people talked outside the door for a long time, and also informed the security department. They were worried that these people were free to eat, but they didn't expect that.

”What will happen?” Two dogs continue to ask.

”It's against the law to eat and not give money after eating. We will call the police.” Said one of the beauties.