12 Celebration (1/1)
After the interrogation ended, the policeman couldn't help but shake their head upon hearing Phillip's explanation. They walked out to see the beaming smiles on Renae, Kaiden and Policeman 3's faces. Something good must have happened! They walked up to them and Policeman 4 asked, ”What happened? All of you look pleased.” All of them looked up and said in unison, ”We caught both ”Phillip” and Larry!”
”We have already locked them up in separate cells. Should we put Phillip in cell as well?” Renae asked delightedly. Policeman 1 nodded in approval and brought Phillip into a cell.
They were all in a jovial mood. Policeman 2 decided to celebrate their success in completing this investigation by having a dinner together before they all parted ways. ”What about them? Who will watch over them and make sure they won't escape?” Kaiden pointed towards the cells. ”It's alright! There are other policemen on duty today. They will be able to keep a watchful eye on them.” Policeman 4 told Kaiden.
They then went to the location in which they all agreed on eating at in separate vehicles. As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, Kaiden and Renae were in awe by the chandelier decoration and the red carpet. They have not been to such a high-class restaurant before. Renae whispered in Kaiden's ear, ”I think we are underdressed...” Kaiden whispered back saying, ”It's the policemen's fault! They are wearing their officer's uniform while we are wearing a normal shirt and shorts...” The way Kaiden said it was funny, which made Renae chuckle.
Once the drinks they ordered came, policeman 4 exclaimed, ”Let's cheers to our success in this investigation!” ”Cheers!” They all echoed. They were happily chatting while eating. Until it was time to leave did they feel a tinge of sadness. They wouldn't be working together anymore. That was unless Renae and Kaiden joined the police force.Either ways they still had to say goodbye in the end. They waved goodbye to each other and parted ways.
Even if they weren't together physically, they still had each other's numbers.
”You awake?” Renae messaged Kaiden.
”Yep. What's up?” Kaiden replied.
”I can't sleep... I want company...!”
”You wanna face time?”
Kaiden started the call. They conversed for a bit before settling in a comfortable silence. Renae was reading and Kaiden was playing a RPG game on the computer. They were doing separate things, but they enjoyed each other's company.
It was almost 1 when Renae fell asleep. Even so, Kaiden didn't end the call. Instead he... also fell asleep. The call lasted till the next morning, with Renae first to wake up.
”Renae??” Kaiden mumbled when he woke up. ”Yea? We both fell asleep.” Renae replied with a laugh. ”Ah, it's already... 11.05?! Damn... Do you want to eat lunch together then?” Kaiden asked, running his hand through his messy hair. ”Oh, yea sure! Where shall we meet? Is Pawradise okay?” ”Yep. See you there then!”
Just like that, they ended the call.
We called for the entire night. Hours! What battery is my phone at...? Renae wondered. She checked... it was at 2%! Her phone's life was on the line! Her tiredness from just waking up suddenly disappeared as she ran to charge her phone.
Renae freshened up and changed into some comfy but stylish clothes before making her way to Pawradise. It wasn't long before she reached.
Ring! The small bell attached to the wooden door rang as Renae pushed it open. The interior of the cafe gave you a feeling of warmth and comfort, it was extremely inviting. As Renae looked around, she spotted Kaiden sitting at a corner 2-person seat. She quickly walked over. ”Morning! Have you ordered?” Renae asked, taking a seat. ”Nope. Good morning! Take a look at the menu, I come here often so I already know what I'm ordering.” Kaiden pushed the menu over but Renae shook her head. ”Actually... I come here pretty frequently too! I've got a favourite that I want to order too.” She smiled. ”Woah! It's pretty odd that we've never met here before. Alright then, let's see what our favourite dishes are.” Kaiden said with a handsome smirk.
They called for the waiter. ”What would you like to order?” ”Carbonara and ice latte.” Renae replied swiftly. After hearing Renae's order, Kaiden's eyes grew big. ”Root beer and carbonara.” Now, Renae's eyes widened. After the waiter left, Renae excitedly looked at Kaiden. ”We... We...!!” ”Yea... damn! Who would've thought? That's pretty crazy!” Kaiden said, running his hand through his obsidian black hair, smiling back at Renae. Even though it was a small gesture, it made Renae's heart flutter.
It took some time before their carbonaras arrived, the drinks had been served much earlier though. They enjoyed their lunch together, chatting most of the time. They got to know so much more about each other! This was the feeling that I had when I was with Matt those many years ago... Speaking of Matt, I should go visit him, shouldn't I? Renae thought to herself, then decided to go after lunch that day.