6 I’ve found you (1/1)

After the next few days of analysing data they got and doing more investigating at the crime scene, Kaiden decided to look through the closed-circuit television (CCTV). He found footage that caught sight of both robbers. They researched and they identified the two to be Philip and Larry. ”Got anything?” Kaiden asked Renae. ”I've found Larry's facebook account, and he seems to be posting on his story quite often. If any of us recognises the place, we can track him down there. Renae told him. ”Not bad... Then after we've tracked down Larry's whereabouts, we can question him about Philip's location. They looked at each other and smiled.

Kaiden used his walkie-talkie and informed the other members. ”We're coming to the CCTV place” the rest said. Renae told them about Larry's facebook account and how he posts on his story regularly. Renee said, ”If he posts anything that gives away his location, can the 4 of you look for him? Kaiden and I will stay at the police station and try to find where Philip went... Can we also check the calls for the locations you guys at checking? We might find calls between Larry and Philip if they're not together.” ”Roger that.” all of them replied. ”Alright, I'm okay with that. Just ask the Ms at the counter how to look for past calls. You guys can also use an empty conference room for discussion. Larry is at Bukit Panjang, it's not that far from here. We'll head there now.” Policeman 4 said. ”Goodluck.” Renae ended. It was awkward being alone together, just Renae and Kaiden.

Both Kaiden and Renae sat in the conference room across each other with their laptops in front of them. They sat in silence. The only sounds that were heard in the room was clicking of the mouse and typing sounds. ”I'm not getting anything... you?” Kaiden asked, breaking the silence. ”Erm a little bit... more observations from old evidences we have found instead of new evidence...” Renae mumbled, still mainly focused on the laptop. ”Here, look. We missed this the last time we went through the CCTV...” Renae turned the laptop to face Kaiden. He scrunched up him nose, focusing on the scene she was showing him. ”Oh! Larry gone towards the right, towards Bukit Panjang! Philip... he went straight. Where does that go?” Kaiden thought aloud. ”Straight goes to the city.” Renae replied.

”Could be... nice! We should go check the calls history now then!” Renae found Kaiden's excitement adorable. She didn't even realise how close their faces were watching the CCTV clip together. When they made eye contact, she felt blood rush up to her face and immediately pulled away, nodding in reply.