2 The opposite of the gospel 2 (1/1)

Soon, Renae reached Jing Xi Hospital. She bee-lined straight to the counter, and asked the lady at the counter what Matt's room number is. With a worried expression, she sped walked to his hospital room. Renae hurriedly opened the door to his hospital room and saw Matthew lying on the bed with his eyes closed. Assuming the worst, Renae dramatically fell on her knees and cried out, ”No! NOOO! Matthew, you can't die now! Not today, please no!” The sudden outburst made Matthew's parents jump and turn to look at her.

”Renae! Geez, he's not dead. But he is in a coma... and we won't know when he'll wake up.” Matthew's mum said, her eyes full of sorrow. ”Auntie Ann, Uncle Jeffery! Oh thank God! What... What happened?” Renae asked, slowly standing up. Her eyes softened when her gaze shifted from Matthew's parents back to his unconscious body.

”We came back to Singapore as Matthew has to go for his National Service [1]in October. Since it is only June, Uncle Jeffery's company allowed him to work there for a few months. But as he was finishing up some errands at the bank that night, two guys barged in with guns in their hands. One of the two men shot Matthew in the arm while he was trying to call the police. He already went for a surgery to remove the bullet b-but the doctor said that... that h-he lost too... too much blood and... so he's now in a coma...” Auntie Ann explained. ”It h-has been four... four daysand he still h-hasn't woken up...” Sobbing, Auntie Ann said while Uncle Jeffery patted her on the back to comfort her. ”The police still have not found the culprits.” Uncle Jeffery added.

It took Renae a few minutes to process all the info that was thrown at her. 'We're just lucky the guy didn't shoot Matthew in the heart...' she thought to herself. Even so, he got shot... and he's in a coma. He can die. And Renae was fully aware of this fact. Renae normally doesn't cry easily, but after thinking about what could've happened more and more, her eyes started to tear. She immediately wiped them away the moment she realised. After she wiped them away, her misery was washed away by determination. ”Since the police haven't found the culprits... I will find the bastards who did this to him. I won't give up... text me when he wakes up. Goodbye...” Renae said, her every word dripping with determination.

After hearing Renae's words, they thought she was out of her mind, but they always believed in her, even after this many years. They trust that she will find the one that did this to their only son.

What will Renae do?

[1] A period of compulsory service in the armed forces during peacetime (phased out in the UK by 1963).