Chapter 25 (1/2)

――The next


Because of the sudden scream, Julia-kaasan jumped up and rushed out of the room in a hurry

I also run after her hurriedly

When I caught up within front of a certain room

――Yes, it’s the room where the men in black were locked in

Mo in front of the room

When I tried to take a look inside,

“You ar-kun! …well, even if I say this now”

Mom moved to the side and let me look inside

Inside, the twofrom their mouths

“When I took off the muzzles from their mouths, suddenly…”

The pale-faced servant said

“……poison, perhaps Most likely it was hidden in theirlike that This trick is frequently used by professional assassins”

As expected of a former adventurer, mom is very calm

Just to be sure, I try using [Appraise] on them

《 Corpse〔of Ranzack〕 Cause of death: Poison (Tajicalis)》

《 Corpse〔of Elope〕 Cause of death: Poison (Tajicalis)》


Moht what I unintentionally said out loud

“Certainly, judging froar-kun, where did you learn about poisons?”

“Uhm, ah…… well, in the study”

“…hmm, where there any books on poisons there?”

Mom tilts her head

That hen the village chief arrived

After the village chief took a good look at the situation in the room, he deeply lowered his head towards mom

“I am terribly sorry To think ould simply let the perpetrators die…”

“It can’t be helped If you didn’t give them any food then that would certainly lead to their deaths anyway”

As I was listening to the two of the much attention, I recalled the [Appraise] results of the two from the day before from the [Database]

《Ranzack〈Yatagarasu〉Fifth Squad, Squad Leader)

Level 29

MP 19/21


[Discern] 2


[Knife-throwing] 5

[Stealthy Steps] 5

[Shuriken Techniques] 4

[Keen Hearing] 4

[Sword Skills] 3

[Farsight] 2

[Fire Magic] 2

《Elope (Yatagarasu) Fifth Squad, Member)

Level 23

MP 13/13


[Knife-throwing] 5

[assassination Techniques] 4

[Shuriken Techniques] 3

[Keen Hearing] 3

[Throwing-axe Skills] 2

[Farsight] 1


He said that lately, now that the civil war in Sonorato ended, they started to flow into Santamana

Why are they abducting people in a place like this?

The answer to that was not found in the end

All night last night, I looked back at the sequence of events that happened and realized so very important

And that is,

――There is at least 1 personthat should be here

and that’s the problem

Let’s look back at the incident starting fros

First, the e and the others

Next, one of the uises hie and spreads the ru children

This is probably a planned diversionary tactic

However, the men in black also carried out an unplanned diversion

The case where the woodcutter of Riverette Village was put under a spell

Most likely, the woodcutter came across the men in black in the forest

Perhaps he saw the place (cave) of thethat would be disastrous for them

That being said if they killed the woodcutter it could’ve become an uproar

That’s why, one of the men in black put a spell on the woodcutter and sent him back, and as a bonus made him claim that is was 「the work of fairies」

This diversion was most likely an unplanned accident

But, as a precaution against such accidents, they stationed a person in the hideout who could uselike that

That one person is nowhere to be seen

The tho killed themselves (Ranzack and Elope) did not have any skills that they could’ve used to put a spell on the woodcutter

They say, to influence the h level of ic skills are needed

Theplace, I confir them, had mostly the same Status as Elope

Also, about the 「traveler」 that stopped by the village, we confirmed it with the innkeeper that neither of the two men in black who committed suicide was him

There is a chance that one of theplace was the one, but there is a strong possibility that the e =「traveler」

Therefore, there has to be at least one more person

That means we let an associate of the men in black escape

No, if we are talking possibilities, then it’s still possible that they had even e and weren’t at the cave at that time

If that’s the case, then it really hurts that we couldn’t get any information out of the men in black about that

Maybe I should’ve interrogated them myself, even if it would’ve been unreasonable

If it wasthe I can’t really claim

Although it ended with an undesired outcome, but now that there are no men in black here, Julia-kaasan doesn’t need to stay here anymore

And since there were a few kids ae, taking the opportunity we brought them with us

The fairies that helped with soothing the children, accoers, returned to the Fairy Village in the course of the

Aside from Melby, apparently the other fairies can’t really spend too e

Then, we traveled for a day after leaving Riverette Village

We reached Trenadette Village around the time the sun set

My personal hter of the chief of this village

Our party was heading towards the house of the village chief led by Steph

On the way, there was a scene where the parents of children we brought with us rushed over and hugged their children tightly

The children were understandably still scared, so they clung to their parents, weeping

When the touching reunion ended, we decided to have the to report what happened

“Well well, thank you for co, madam I hear you even rescued the children, so we really can’t thank you enough”

The village chief is an about 40 years-old looking merchant-like man

This is the first tiether like that in real life


Steph said

“Hey, Steph You are so the House of Viscount Chrebl Mind the place”


After getting rebuked in a soft tone, Steph looked like she started sulking a bit

“Mada helpful?”

“Yes, of course She is doing well as the observer…no, not that, as the personal ar-kun”