V7C155 (1/2)

(155) Girl from the artificial labyrinth

Translator: Tseirp

It was as if a security room, no, like a control room.

Countless monitors were displaying images from within the labyrinth. A black haze-like mass transformed into the figure of a large centipede. After that centipede moved a certain distance, she pressed a button. When she did that, a stone wall fell from above the centipede and crushed it.

When the stone wall returned to its original position, the centipede no longer existed.

She performed that task indifferently.

She ─ was a girl.

The girl with white hair that seemed like it was about to touch the floor removed her hand from the button, spun her chair round and round and that was when our eyes met.

She looked like a girl of about 14 years of age.

“ …… “

Her expression froze. Or rather, she was expressionless in the first place. And that expression didn’t change even after seeing us.

For now, I greeted her first.

“Sorry to bother you, my name’s Ichinojo.”

“ … How?”

Now then, how shall I explain this?

Immediately after I thought we would be crushed by the wall, I used my Hikkikomori skill to escape to My World with Carol and closed the gate directly before the walls slammed shut.

And when I immediately opened the gate again, it led to this place.

In the event that the exit location was blocked by something, the exit gate would be opened at the closest possible location.

I figured that place would probably be the undiscovered area in the map.

“Leaving that aside, I didn’t think there would be such machinery here … Are these magic tools?”



“Please answer. I will not recognize you as master unless you give the correct answer.”

She said with a monotonous voice.

It looked like I had to give a number corresponding to those numbers but naturally, I didn’t know the answer.

“In the event that people apart from master enters this room, they will be treated as guests. Do you have any questions?”

“ … So we won’t be treated as enemies. Were you the one who tried to kill us using the walls?”

“Yes. It is my task to deal with individuals who enter the labyrinth but it is also my task to welcome those who reach here.”

So it was like that. I considered the possibility that it was a trap but hmm, yeah it probably won’t be a problem.

“ … Are you human?”

“No, I am Work Doll number 417. I have no name.”

Doll? She?

She looked like she was actually living. But I do know of an existence like her.


She was probably a similar existence as Pionia.

“Erm, I’ll bring my companion but you won’t attack right?”

“People who have entered this room before or those who accompany them are not targets for my attack.”

“Okay. Please wait for a moment.”

I opened the door to My World and called Carol out.

“978-4-7753. Please answer. I will not recognize you as master unless you give the correct answer.”

The same numbers came out just like before but naturally, Carol couldn’t answer it.

And then Carol was also recognized as a guest.

“What is this facility? Though it looks like a labyrinth?”

“This is an artificial labyrinth created by Demon Lord Famiris‧Raritei.”

“A labyrinth created by the Demon Lord? Aren’t labyrinths constructs made by the Church?”

“The Demon Lord creates artificial labyrinths in places outside the influence of the Church like here.”

“Then, is your master the Demon Lord?”


She shook her head.

“It changed 96512 hours ago.”

“Er, how many years ago was that?”

“About 11 years ago.”

So it was slightly before the Demon Lord’s death.

That means somebody came to take over this labyrinth before the Demon Lord’s death?

“Who is your master?”

Carol asked.

“I cannot give that answer to guests.”

She replied. It looked like there was something like a confidentiality protocol.

“Why did that person become the master of this place?”

“I cannot give that answer to guests.”

“Is your master a man? Or a woman?”

“I cannot give that answer to guests.”

417 showed her intent that she could not answer any of Carol’s questions.

It looked like information disclosure on the current master was highly regulated.

I tried to change the angle.

“What is your favorite food?”