V6C135 (1/2)
(135) Miri’s Adventure 7
Translator: Tseirp
Illuminated by the moonlight, a shadow moved southward.
And it was at a speed faster than a horse and the shadow was larger than a horse. As it would stand out on the highway, it pushed forward by weaving between the trees.
The trees looked like they were avoiding the girl seated on the large shadow.
No matter how little the swaying was, the girl was used to riding on transport developed by the excellent science and technology of the current day Japan so it was hard to say that she found it comfortable.
The speed was about 100km/h. It was an unusual speed given that they were weaving between trees.
As evidence, the person riding together with her behind her had an extremely poor complexion.
“I will kill you if you puke on my back … if you want to puke, do it to the sides.”
She ― Miri, said as she glared at the person riding behind her ― Norn.
However, Norn could not answer her. Since instead of words, a different mixed substance would spill out of her mouth if she opened her mouth.
After Fenrir, the white wolf they were riding on, heard that, it slowed down its speed. Since it would probably be intolerable if she puked on top of its back. However ― its owner Miri didn’t permit it.
“What, you slowed down without me specifying it?”
With a single sentence from Miri, Fenrir’s speed increased even more than before ― the time it would take for Norn to collapse became even shorter.
Then, after thirty minutes.
Looking behind, Norn’s face was deathly pale. She was still barely breathing but that expression showed that she no longer even had the strength to vomit.
Looking at her, Miri let out a soft sigh,
(If she’s come this far then I no longer need to worry about her puking.)
Having such thoughts, she made Fenrir continue running for another hour.
It was a miracle that Norn continued to hug Miri’s small body even after her consciousness left her.
If her grip loosened by even a little, Norn’s body would have been shaken off and she probably wouldn’t be uninjured.
“We’re here.”
Miri said that and Norn was let off Fenrir. Fenrir was too much of a nuisance so she used Space-Time Magic and housed it in an alternate space.
The benefit of using Space-Time Magic to house items is that not only items but also living organisms can be housed within. However, the things stored inside the alternate space are all in the same place so,
“I’ll kill you if you touch anything inside.”
When she ordered it, ‘Kun~’ Fenrir flinched like a puppy and nodded. Then, she stored Fenrir in the alternate space.
Well then, Miri pondered on what to do with Norn.
It would be easier to store her inside the alternate space too but it wouldn’t be a good idea to let her see the things inside.
Deciding to just leave her there and finish what she came here to investigate, she began walking away when,
” … U …. n.”
She heard Norn groan. It seemed like she woke up.
“Norn, we’re here.”
“Eh? Miri-chan, we’ve arrived but … this place doesn’t look like Belasra?”
“I have something I’m interested about here. You can follow me but don’t touch anything.”
Miri said that before she headed towards the stratified cliff.
Then, she carefully examined those strata but she couldn’t really tell due to the darkness.
Because of that, she made a net of Darkness thread and enveloped the entire cliff like a defensive net.
That’s when Miri saw it.
“Here it is.”
It was a nondescript wall at first glance.
But ― when she tried to place her hand on it,
“Miri-chan, your hand ― !”
“It’s been sucked in. It’s an illusion wall frequently used as a hidden door within labyrinths.”
” … Ah … those.”
Norn recalled what happened recently and sighed.
She was captured by bandits and the hideout of those bandits was behind an illusion wall. She was unconscious the entire time she was captured but after that, she found that there was an illusion wall there when she went back to see the place she was trapped at.
Her thoughts returned to that time.