V6C130 (1/2)

(130) Audience with the Cat Sith King

Translator: Tseirp

With the two Cat Siths as guides, we arrived in front of the largest house.

Standing guard there were two other white Cat Sith soldiers in heavier equipment compared to the two Cat Siths who led the way. The armor looked heavy but that showed how important the place was.

“Halt nya! What business do you have here, Hume!”

It was a strong tone unlike the flippant gate guards just now.

They showed vigilance and even hostility.

“Ah, Carol is half-Hume and half-Mini Hume.”

“I am also not a Hume.”

Carol and Haru destroyed the atmosphere.

Now that they mentioned it, I’m the only pure Hume here. I might not even be a pure Hume in this world, having came from Earth, but my status says Hume though.

“I, I see … don’t fool us nya! We will not let people apart from Cat Siths enter nya!”

We didn’t deceive you though.

“We came to see Stella. Could you please call her?”

“Stella-sama nya? I do smell Stella-sama’s scent on you people nya.”

“I see, thanks for understanding.”

It looked like we could enter the building without any problems.

Or so I thought.

But, the Cat Siths in front of my eyes didn’t move at all. It stared at me with its yellow pupil.

I had a bad premonition.

” …… ”

『 …… 』

Silence dominated the area.

The ones who broke the silence were the Cat Sith twins(?) from just now.

“I’ll help you take it off if the armor is too heavy that you can’t move nya.”

“If you can’t move because of the armor, I’ll help you take it off nya.”

“Please do so nya. It’s been tough not being able to move since the day before yesterday nya.”

Are they idiots? There are idiots here.

For an instant, fellow acquaintances crossed my mind.

A red-haired boy and a green-haired girl, we parted ways just the other day but I wonder if they are doing well?

The Cat Siths were stark naked after taking off their armor but they were not ashamed at all for being naked and the white cats actually abandoned their guard post.

“I’ve got to go to the toilet nya!”

… They’ve been holding it in for three days huh.

I decided to wait by sitting on the stone steps for the guards to return.

The nervousness I had just now was blown away in an instant from that scene.

” … It’s peaceful.”

As I was waiting for the soldiers to return while looking at the sky, I noticed that the Cat Sith children were surrounding us from a distance. The Cat Sith children were finally the size of regular cats. They looked cute. I inadvertently wanted to touch those ears but it might turn into a repeat of what Malina did if I don’t control myself.

” … Haru, can I have a moment?”

I said to Haru who was sitting to my left and reached out with my hand.

“Yes, what is it? … Au.”

Haru released a slightly erotic voice.

Because I suddenly touched her ear with my left hand.

Her fur is silky smooth but if I touch the inside of her ear with my finger, I can feel a warmth that tells me her body temperature. Furthermore, I can even feel a pulse so I can feel Haru directly.

“Please bear with it for a bit, I’m trying to re-affirm my stance towards the dog faction.”

” … Au … er, master, I am not a dog but from the White Wolf Race, have you forgotten?”

” … I didn’t forget.”