V3C72 (2/2)

“By my super magic, the 7 arrows will spectacularly hit all the targets using wind magic.”

“Ha? Isn’t that just Archery instead of Magic!”

A person from the audience yelled out.

“Hmph, just watch if you think that it’s just Archery.”

She said so as she drew the bow.

It was at the direction of the sun. And it was the direct opposite direction from the targets.

She released the arrow.

The arrows flew towards an unexpected direction.

However, they suddenly changed their trajectory and the 6 arrows pierced the 6 targets behind her.

Impressed applause from the audience welled up.

Turning around, 6 of the 7 arrows hit their targets.

Although one arrow missed its target, that technique was certainly good enough to be affixed with super-.

That was why she doesn’t possess the bow equip skill.

That super magic — or rather street performance trick is extremely simple, which is why it’s so difficult.

I asked Malina how it was done when she didn’t have her mask on.

The tail of the arrows had strings attached to them. To the extent that it would be pulled off when tugged.

She pulls on that and changes the trajectory of the arrows.

It’s possible in theory but superhuman technique is needed for that to hit the targets.

“Shit, 1 arrow missed.”

Turning back, Marina showed a disappointed expression looking at the result.

“It’s amazing even if 1 arrow missed! It’s truly a super magic!”

“You were cool, Neechan!”

“It was beautiful!”

Marina ignored all the cheers and walked towards the arrow that missed.

“There was a being with a devilish will so what I did was I unintentionally sent the arrow flying here.”

She lifted the arrow and pierced on the arrow was a dead frog.

Seeing that, the audience burst out in exuberant cheering.

A lot of tips was collecting inside the silk hat she took out.

“Well then, I shall show everyone my next super magic.”

She took off her black scarf. It revealed her slave collar but none of the customers pointed it out.

Then, she covered the silk hat with the scarf and suddenly pulled it off.

The next instant, the tips within the silk hat had disappeared without any traces.

Her street performance was just beginning.


“It was a great success, Ichino.”

Marina said contently as she counted her tips on the Adventurers Guild table.

It was mostly copper coins but there were silver coins mixed among them.

“My level rose to Lv30 and I acquired a new magic.”

Apparently, the method to gain experience points for Street Performers is, apart from in combat, to obtain tips.

Incidentally, the upper limit for a single customer seems to be 1 silver coin.

So it’s not possible to acquire experience points by repeatedly acting as a customer and throwing gold coins in as tips.

The method of hiring fake applauders to throw in silver coins seems to be around but defeating monsters regularly in a party is more efficient.

“Let’s have a feast today. The waiter there, please get me grape juice that is dyed as red as blood.”

It seems like Marina can’t take alcohol as well.

Leaving that aside, I’ll get to the main topic.

“Haru, was the hero there?”

“No, I didn’t see anybody that looked like him … I didn’t detect his scent either.”

“I see … even though I thought it would work splendidly.”

So we’ll have to steadily search on foot huh?

Just as I was thinking that.

“Excuse me — may I have some of your time?”

A man addressed from the side.

Did he come to chase after Marina?

When I looked to the side while thinking so, I spat out a sigh.

There was an Ikemen there. (TL: Ikemen = Good-looking guy, handsome man, hunk)

A man with black short hair, silver armor, and a sword worn on his waist.

Beside him were 3 beautiful slaves.

“I am Suzuki Kota. I serve as a Hero in this world.”