V2C34 (2/2)
【Ichinojo Level up]
Commoner level reached Lv36.
It would have been fine if the tax was slightly higher though.
“The slave dealership shop can be seen from here, that brown brick building.”
“The building that looks like a red brick warehouse right?”
Yokohama or Hakodate or Tsuruga? (TL: They’re all Japan seaports)
It was something that would make one feel a sense of history if seen in Japan but in this would I can imagine that it’s seen as a new building.
It was an extremely large building.
“Is slave dealing lucrative?”
“There’s a gambling parlour in this town so there are many debt slaves.”
Carol explained. Falling into debt from gambling and selling themselves huh? Can’t really feel any sympathy for them. To fall into gambling and self-destruct, looks like it doesn’t change in Japan or in the other world as well.
Walking slightly, we reached a square and I saw that young girl I’ve seen before once … Torerul’s statue in the center of it.
They were plenty of people dedicating prayers to that statue.
Torerul’s statue seemed to be kind of a tourist spot in this town.
“I’ve mentioned that Torerul is also called the Goddess of Gambling right. Because this is the town with the labyrinth managed by Torerul, there are many who bet againsts each other to gain her blessing.”
However, even if there really is a Blessing of Torerul, the only ones who can acquire that are not limited to the customers? Do they not consider that the bookmakers who live in this town and open the gambling parlours may have that blessing as well?
Well, I can’t imagine that slacker Goddess-sama giving her blessing to people.
There was a chained offertory box placed in front of the stone statue and a lot of people were tossing copper coins into it.
In a world without 1 yen or 5 yen, with the lowest denomination 1 sense, or in other words 1 copper coin, the amount in the offertory box should be quite sizeable. The offertory boxes in Japan have mechanisms against theft but it was only held by a chain here, I was worried if the entire offertory box would be stolen but stealing money from a Goddess statue would definitely turn you into a Thief.
I guess there are not that many people who would do such a sacrilegious act.
“The offertory box was proposed to be installed by lost Japanese people more than a hundred years ago. (TL: ‘lost’ people = transported people) It allowed donations without the troublesome procedures and spread the faith so the Goddess church members immediately adopted it. Even in Florence, there’s a statue of the Goddess of Battle and Victory, Setolans-sama and there’s an offertory box installed in front of it.”
“Ooo, I didn’t know that … Haru is so knowledgeable.”
“When I was young, I enjoyed reading the books in the archive of the royal palace my parents served at and I equipped myself with knowledge there.”
So when Haru was younger, she lived together with her family in some royal palace?
Now that I think about it, I’ve never asked Haru about the reason why she became a slave and giving it some thought, I realised that I still don’t know anything about Haru.
I also have to talk to Haru about my Jobless job so I’ll have to arrange a time for us to thoroughly converse in the future.
“Well, shall we go make a donation as well?”
I took out 3 copper coins from my item bag, I passed 1 to Haru and 1 to Carol.
“It is alright?”
Carol asked.
“Children don’t have to worry about it.”
“But Carol is 16-years-old.”
Seriously! Eh, the age of a high school girl?
She looks like a primary school kid no matter how I look at her.
“Because I’m half minihume.” (TL: Literally mini-human)
Haru once again explained to the clueless me.
Apparently, minihume is a race with half the height of hume.
Half minihume is a half-blood between a hume and a minihume so their height stops at about 120cm and they apparently look younger than hume.
“Well, 16-years-old is also considered a child to me.”
“Erm … it is fine for me to receive it as well? Even though I’m 18-years-old.”
Haru said reservedly.
” … Eh? Haru’s younger than me!?”
” … Master, you didn’t know about my age?”
“Yeah, I believe it is rude to ask about a girl’s age.”
She’s so reliable so I thought that she would be slightly older than me.
Haru’s tail drooped downward.
Ah, I did something bad. I’ll buy some jerky for her next time. Of course, those disinfected with alcohol.
“Oh, Carol, Torerul-sama is called the Goddess of Pleasure and Gambling but her true nature is a Goddess-sama who thinks it is better to live comfortably. I don’t know the reason but instead of saying you want to die, pray that you want to live comfortably. Try being the single person praying to feel at ease within the mass of people praying to win their gambles. It will definitely stand out so she might grant your wish.”
I said words that sounded like I was fooling her and had her hold the copper coin.
Then, I tossed my own copper coin into the offertory box.
The copper coin noisily bounced once, twice and fell to the bottom of the box.
Then, I thanked her for the 1/20 required experience points blessing I received.
Looking to my side, I saw Carol with her hands pressed together, earnestly making a wish.
To the other side, Haru’s tail was wagging as she made a wish. I wonder what in the world was she wishing for.