After Eros and Seath disappeared, Th guild master sighed and then waited for a little time. Suddenly people started appearing in the arena.
Each one of them appeared alone. From their cultivation level, they are all above the spirit warrior/mage level. The guild master looked at them and then he said:
” It seems all of you have come. I am very surprised, even the city lord who rarely appeared is here”.
On the arena, there were 6 people including the guild master. 4 man and 2 women. One of the women is the assistant Tina who works for the guild master.
All of them started inspecting all the building and after that one of the men said:
”Riss, whats the meaning of this. What happened here exactly, it seems like a big fight happened”.
Tina looked at the man that said that and then she replied:
” Well, Sir Damian, you don't need to concern yourself with our problems. What you need to know is that I had a little warm-up with the guild master and wasn't able to hold my power so sorry for that”.
The man known as Damian started arguing with Tina about what happened within the arena. The guild master started sighing and thinking
(This is all because of Eros and his friend and now I have to cover for them. If he doesn't give me the music box. I will make his life a living hell, hmph).
What they didn't know was that Eros wasn't too far and he was watching what's happening in the building.
[a few minutes ago]
When Eros and Seath disappeared, Eros signalled to Seath so He can follow him. Eris then went to spectators seats. Eros then returned to normal. Seath also stopped his transformation.
Seath then said to Eros:
” What's the meaning of this Eros. Why did you agree with him even though our battle just started a moment ago?”.
Eros looked at Seath and said to him:
” I will explain to you after you bring that man called Diss here. I need information right now and he's the only one that may know about the people that are going to come”.
Seath was puzzled by what Eros meant but then he went immediately and just after seconds, he returned and brought with him the man Diss.
In reality, Diss was waiting for Eros to come back from the arena but after that explosion and the light pillar, he started running and got out of the guild.
Diss felt glad as he's gonna get rid of that mad man but after some minutes, the young man that went with that master appeared and said:
” You will come with me because Eros needs something from you. tch, I don't know what's on his mind. Since the moment I met him in the tower, I never understood what he's thinking”.
Diss screamed in his mind as he said
( I don't care let me go aaarrggghhhh).
Then Diss went through the corridor with Seath and they reached the building of the arena but Seath didn't go to the arena but he sneaked to the ceiling and disappeared.
He appeared again in front if Eros. He looked at both of them as they came just when Tina and Sir Damian started arguing. Eros then said to Diss:
” Perfect, you came just on time. Apart from the guild master and his assistant, tell me everything about the others starting with that Sir Damian”.
Diss looked down at the arena and the moment he saw all those people he started trembling and finally his eyes got out of his head and his jaw was opened till it hurt him.
Eros didn't understand why he had such reaction and said:
”Wha happened to you??. Why are you like that?”.
Diss turned to him and looked at him like he was looking at a crazy person and then he gulped and said while looking at the arena:
” Those people are the high powers and big shots who lead the whole island. Each one of them is a powerhouse at the spirit king warrior or mage”.
He then looked at Eros and Seath who didn't have any expression after he said that. He finally understood that he was hanging with monsters, not humans. he thought
( Come on at least say one word of surprise or anything. They are spirit king level after all for fuck sake).
What didn't Diss know was that for Eros and Seath a spirit king realm was easy to deal with. Just with their raw physical power, they can easily deal with most of the spells and also easily overwhelm them in terms of speed and mobility.
Eros then pointed at Damian and said: